Comparative Grow: from Dutch Passion at The Vault

Any idea what the growth mediums temp is?Also what's the temperature around the foliage? And what's your current humidity hovering at?
Humidity is at around 35 40. The temp in the tent hovers from 64 to 74 I'm not sure the temp of the soil. But it seemed like when I went to water seeing I did not have buckets on something for the water to be able to separate itself from the bucket it was still wet around two of the buckets and roots were coming out of the bottom so maybe it was not able to drain properly because it was flat on the ground. Or I lowered the lights to around 7 inches which I did not feel should of been an issue seeing I have read many people keep them closer then that.
I chose the auto Cinderella jack. It says that buddha seeds helped with the strain. I grew a variety of buddha autos back when autos were hit or miss and every bit of buddhas offerings were legit.

Plus. I have always liked Cinderella strains.
Dirtydogs446 , Looks similar to an issue I recently had. The soil was colder than it should've been. The canopy was warm and the humidity was low like yours. It caused what at first looked like a situation of having an excess of nitrogen then later it appeared to be a magnesium and phosphorus issue. The canopy temp was in low to mid seventies (basement was full of drafts). But the soil was much colder. Lifted them off of the floor, raised the light and put a heater near by. I also fixed the drafts. Now the problem has sorted itself out. Made it look like phosphorus and magnesium deficiency but pretty sure it was mostly temperature related. Warm canopy cold soil, causes issues. You could add some magnesium maybe and maybe try watering a little less.

You already have roots coming out of your 5 gallon buckets? Didn't you just transplant like ten days ago? That's pretty quick.
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Wow that makes sense because my cold intake is at the bottom and may be hitting the right bucket more even though it's on the left I'll have to adjust it and give it a try because the intake goes to the window and it's cold as hell here the window is shut but it brings some chilly air in it. I'll move the exhaust facing up instead of parallel to the floor wow never thought of that
Quick question community so I topped each one of these once should I top the two mains again? Also should I top the side branches once if so how many nodes should there be on the side branches before I top
May be a dumb question what are the green tops for lol

not a dumb question at all.. I just got these this time around so they're new to me.
They're called floraflex round matrix caps. There are a few brands of these types of things around. These ones specifically have a capillary type mat beneath the disc.

You can hand water on them and it spreads the water more evenly on the pot. Furthermore, the pad helps retain the moisture that would escape out of the top of the pot.

Since these are air pots and have holes everywhere, I hope this will reduce my watering frequency, as well as making watering easier. I am going to be making an automated watering system because it is a pain to access the back of my 5x5 tent when it gets full. I am limited on space and cant access the back side. In the winter humidity here is 30%-40% so this should make my life much easier. In the summer I plan on shutting the grow down or maybe just removing the capillary mats during the humidity season
MY 1st to pop Passion Fruit that was bent over didn't make it.Ugh. The whorled phytollaxcy seedling hasn't made it out of its 2nd set of true leaves. I'm going to have to pop the rest. Such a shitty situation. I should've stayed with my regular seedling mix. All,grower error on my behalf.