Complete Grow Box - 150 HPS

My pots are only 12 cm tall and 14cm diameter across the top. So fairly small. I don't know if it's better to transplant. I was just worried that if I did they would grow too tall, however I could have got away with it actually. So I would say go for it and transplant. And then just keep the horizontal level of you lst down and allow for room when those big ass colas of bud shoot upwards. You will find what works for you. Oh one thing, I can't look back through ya journal atm, how many plants are you growing under your HPS at a time? If it is just the one then transplant it into a bigger pot. I actually have 4 plants but there is only enough light for three, the forth gets neglected. So three plant max will do you well.
Don't worry bout the questions. You should see my journal. I have had to call for help many a time.
Yeah i checked it out real quick again haha youve gone a long way man. i'll have to go through it again and read it thoroughly but to answer your question i have 3 plants under the light right now and 1 is growing a lot while the other 2 are kinda looking slow.


Well-Known Member
All the heat is at the top so all exhaust goes out the top and all intakes are at the bottom. Even if it means patch a hole and cut a new one. Really u shouldn't need an intake fan I think passive works fine in a cab so just put two fans on top and use both the bottom holes for passive intakes. You could then use the third fan to for circulation. U can check out my cab there has been alot of talk about cab cooling on my grow.


Active Member
thats pretty good logic man. so would it be better if i had the fans at the bottom just blow out rather than in? because i have the top one blowing out and the two bottom ones blowing in and also an exhaust on the light.
hey johnni blaze,

Heat rises. So having your exhausts on top will insure that the warm air exits and cool fresh air is sucked in from lower. Try to add more fans on top, or close one on the bottom. Just watch your heat.

In my grow i'm not using an hid...yet. So heat and amount of airflow is not that important. I have one exhaust fan near top with DIY carbon filter on the outside. WHen the doors are closed it creates a semi-vaccuum inside cabinet as air is sucked in through the doors cracks. Works for me.

If anyone has any "make a yield difference" hints you can give me, i'd appreciate it.

check my grow @:


Active Member
Yeah i checked it out real quick again haha youve gone a long way man. i'll have to go through it again and read it thoroughly but to answer your question i have 3 plants under the light right now and 1 is growing a lot while the other 2 are kinda looking slow.
Hey again. 3 small plants is a good number under the 150w hps. My next grow I will only do two. Keeps them in the concentrated light and helps them develop quicker and better. My fourth plant that I have not had directly under the light is definitely the runt and just there for shits and giggles really. So aim for two bigger plants of three small plants tops and you will do well.


Well-Known Member
Poke a couple of holes in ya pot and tie it there. I actually use wire hooks that I poke into the soil.
i am training a a clone right now. i am usin hydro so i can't put holes in it. what i do is take Garden Soft ties and tape em to the lid of the bucket. i got pics on my page if you want to check it out. not sure what you tie yours with but i definately recommend them. they don't cut into the stem at all.


Active Member
i am training a a clone right now. i am usin hydro so i can't put holes in it. what i do is take Garden Soft ties and tape em to the lid of the bucket. i got pics on my page if you want to check it out. not sure what you tie yours with but i definately recommend them. they don't cut into the stem at all.
Sounds like that works a treat for you, I didn't even think about hydro. I was pretty rough with mine. The plants didn't mind, they like it rough.
He man,
Here's what we were talking about the other day. PM me if you have any further questions.
exactly what i needed man thanks so much. ill definitely do that soon too.

sorry for not being around to post and what not guys ive just been busy with school, but i have a test tomorrow so after that ill be good for a few days... 4 tests, 1 every week and i'm done!!! :blsmoke: