I personally do not like buying anything off ebay unless it is guaranteed name brand. I have had a bad experience with a ebay tent collapsing with my light, fan and filter, and a single plant in it. Nothing broke besides the tent but was still a hassle. See if there are any hydro stores near by (45 min may be worth it when it comes to buying things for this hobby), and see if they can offer any good deals on a full set up. Be careful for the ones just trying to sell you the biggest and best shit, I got lucky and my shop has helped me out a lot with 20% discounts and stuff.
Good luck
Also I had better luck shopping around when I did everything. I ended up spending a little over 800 on a 4x4x7 tent, 250W hps, 110w t5 fluro, inline fan, filter, ductwork and all other small things. You could easily add $100 to that and get a 600/1000W hps but I had a friend let me borrow a 400w so I have both lights going.