Complete Newbie-First grow ever


Well-Known Member
& my girl gets the same way, if only you were in Vegas and our girls got along, we would have so much time to grow while they chit-chat and talk shit about us until harvest came hahahahaha.
Spent some time in Vegas. Great to visit, wouldnt want to be trapped there for long though....although I understand medical use is legal there...maybe not so bad after all. :)


Well-Known Member
As hard as it may be to believe, one of the clones in my "new-fangled, super duper, clone-o-matic" has started rooting. The roots are just the starting buds of roots, but there are definitely 3 very distinct roots emerging. Curiously I thought the roots would be growing straight down toward the water. These new roots however seem to be growing upwards. I made a few small "slits" in the roots stem when I took the cuttings. I thought I made the cuts at a down angle, but its possible I goofed and mader them at an upward angle. This might explain why the roots are starting off in that direction. I'm sure as they grow more and get some length, they will start growing down and into the water. Gravity will make sure of it no doubt. :)

I didnt take a picture yet because I wasnt too sure how it would show up in the picture if at all. I'll try to take a couple of snaps, and if I get anything worth looking at, I'll post it next.

The other cuttings are varied. Some show signs of plant material building up where new roots will grow, others look the same as when I cut them. I will update more when I see any changes.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here are a couple of pictures of the new roots.
Anita_roots.jpg Anita_roots2.jpg

Upon further inspection, I realised that the roots are forming right at the point where I trimmed of the fan leaves at the node. Curiously no signs of roots at the bottom 45 degree angle cut. I'm sure as the root develop more, the entire stem will be covered. I am liking this method so far. It is looking very promising!


Well-Known Member
Out of my 4 plants, 3 have turned out to be male. Cutting them up for compost wasnt easy after I put so much TLC into them. My one last hope is for my miracle seedling Anita. So as part of my daily routine of checks and so forth I look at my Anita clones to see if there is any progress.

Anita_sexed.jpg Anita_sexed2.jpg

This particular clone looks really scrawny and streched. The pics arent great but those are definitely the lovely white hairs I have been hoping for! I havent decided whether or not I am going to let it continue to grow and see how the buds come or not. I will wait a week or so and see how the growth continues. She has a 2 other sisters that went into the 12/12 room at the same time, but neither of them are showing any pistils yet. Their growth is much more dense and full, so it may take a couple of more days for them to show their pistils. Seems as though all the energy has been on growing out the nodes and branches.

Now if I can just get a few more cuttings to root, I'll be in good shape until I can grow another seed or two of a different strain. Hmmm what will it be?

Whodathunk, my miracle seedling Anita was my only girl.

Singing "Giving You The Best That I Got" by Ms. Anita Baker :eyesmoke:

More to come...


Well-Known Member
Damn, sorry dude.
LOL Duuuuuude....

I dont know if you were sleepy or high, but that plant is a girl! :) Maybe I wasnt excited enough in my post and gave the impression it was male. LOL But thanks for feeling my pain with the other three.

At any rate she is a girl and I am happy. I got at least one female to start me off and I have planted a couple more seeds just in case things take a turn for the worse.

Also, not sure if you noticed or not, but my plants look like they are sativas, or at least a dominant sativa mix, and I have no idea how tall these girls are gonna get when they start to flower. The smoke was also very heady and light, so I am not surprised to see the sativa traits.
I came across a few seeds in another bag I bought some time ago, and I am gonna start a couple of them off as well and see what happens. If I recall correctly that smoke seemed like a really heavy indica.

Who knows maybe I will be able to mix and start my own FlyWithMe strain!


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, I meant sorry about the dudes!

I don't remember if I was high haha, short term memory. =)


Great DIY skills FlyWithMe! I will make this my first Sub :-) I am a first-time grower myself. Perhaps we can exchange some thoughts and ideas :-)



Well-Known Member
I'm definitely subbed bro, nice job getting at least 1 out 4. Thats better than having all dudes. Keep up the good work!


I am also a bit of a hobbyist myself! However, I was not so cautious as yourself with spending my money too quickly... I went out and pretty much blew my savings on a grow setup I had been planning out for a few months. Maybe check it out sometime? Anyways, I'll be stopping by here on the regular. I dig your writing style. It is very engaging and fun to read, haha :-)



Well-Known Member
Cheers Fishern! Glad you are with me. I am happy to exchange ideas. These forums are a great sounding board. And I am always eager to try out new ideas!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bill. I was beginning to worry that I was gonna get nothing but balls. It's a good thing I planted that one extra seed after all. If I hadnt I would have been balls out! LOL


Well-Known Member
I am also a bit of a hobbyist myself! However, I was not so cautious as yourself with spending my money too quickly... I went out and pretty much blew my savings on a grow setup I had been planning out for a few months. Maybe check it out sometime? Anyways, I'll be stopping by here on the regular. I dig your writing style. It is very engaging and fun to read, haha :-)

Cheers Fish

Nice setup BTW. Gave me a few ideas for a DIY modular setup. Something that could save loads of money and maximise the use of small spaces. Gonna start some work on it in a couple of months in a new place.

--Watch this space--


Cheers Fish

Nice setup BTW. Gave me a few ideas for a DIY modular setup. Something that could save loads of money and maximise the use of small spaces. Gonna start some work on it in a couple of months in a new place.

--Watch this space--
I am flattered! I will keep a close eye out for your design. Are you moving out of your two-bedroom soon?


Well-Known Member
I am flattered! I will keep a close eye out for your design. Are you moving out of your two-bedroom soon?
Well you did nice work, very clean and neat as well. I am a stickler for tidy work. "If its worth doing, its worth doing right.."

No I'm not moving house, I am just waiting for a basement to become free. I have been "given" a small section of it to setup a grow and have been toying around with ideas on how best to use the space. There will be no venting outside, as the basement is fully underground, and I am not allow to cut into the floor above. So fresh air is a concern. Odour isnt a problem, as the upper floor isnt occupied. Its basically a storage unit. The total space is just approx 6ft wide by 5ft deep with 10 ft ceiling. I am also going to be fitting a CCTV setup for monitoring because I wont be able to physically do regular checks. Needless to say I still have quite alot of planning to do, but the goal is something that is portable and scalable.

--Watch this space--


Well-Known Member
Holy clones Batman! Did you see those roots?

Ok, so maybe their arent that fantastic, but after struggling with my plants for a month to get roots in a typical propagation tray, I am very pleased with the results I am seeing so far. All of my clones in the DIY bubble cloner I made, are from Anita. As I post various pictures I will name them Anita1, Anita2, and so on just to keep track.

Here is Anita1 on day 4

Anita1_roots3.jpg Anita1_roots4.jpg
Not a bad result for 4 days!

Here is Anita2, also 4 days.

She is just starting to show the first root buds emerging, but still not bad for only 4 days.

Here you can see the effect of Anita2 pulling nutrients from the leaves to aid in the rooting process.
This is by far the most yellowing I have seen so early on, so I will take this as an indication that the roots are going to be fairly robust.

These are only 2 out of the twelve cuttings I took for the bubble cloner. The remaining 10 seem to be quite a bit behind these two. They havent even started to show any build up in the root site as yet. I'm not sure why there is so much variance, but it will be interesting to see the end results.

I might add as a footnote, that I have half a dozen other Anita clones sitting in a propagation tray in ROOT RIOT plugs. Those were take using the typical cut/dip (CLONEX)/insert methods. They were done on the 13 days ago. As of today, there are no roots showing, but a couple do show some yellowing on the leaf ends, indicationg the rooting process has started.

Any money on which ones will be ready for transplant first? If I was a book maker I would give odds of about 20 to 1 on the ROOT RIOT/CLONEX and maybe 2 to 1 on at least half of the bubble cloner clones being ready first. But I wouldnt even want to give those odds. The bubble-matic is doing good. :)