Complete Shock!

About a month ago I put some seeds in to soil (after germinating them), after about 2 weeks the was no show from the soil, after a few more days I I to give up and switch off the light and call it a day! A month has been by now and to be honest, I've been really lazy and didnt get rid of the the soil and seeds. So I went in the room to day finally ready to clear them out and get some new seeds germinating after building and PC Case style case so to keep heat in while getting the plants started, when I noticed something in the propagator, so I opened it up to find that two of the seeds had taken off and had been searching for light. Despite the stalk being really long, the leafs look health I think.

The water was still damp but I gave them some fresh water and quickly got the under light in my PC Case, and hopeing they still take off but I was wondering if anyone could advise on the matter please?

Thanks in advanced,




Active Member
to be honest i would start over for the simple fact that they have streached way to far. If you had a 6ft cab i would say go for it but since you are in a PC case you wont beable to get good development before you run out of space. Next time around use a different light, it looks like you have a 2700K (color) light when you should use a 6500K light or Day light bulb....
Thanks for the quick reply, the PC case is only a start for the plants, once they start getting a bit bigger, I have a room height cab for them to grow under, and put some seeds in a couple of hours ago, so will see how they go. Not sure the specs on the light, it's only a house hold energy bulb, I was recomended to try using one of those untill I can afford a HPS lamp.... Despite the stretching, is there a chance of the plants being recoverble in the slightest though?


Active Member
It is, if you want to try to save them you have to get them standing. I would use a wire coat hanger and cut a straigt piece out and tie them to it loosely. its a long shot but it can be done. To be honest I dont know if you would be able to get any good yeild out of them or not because you lost so much space to stem. They will be weak plants for sure...


Well-Known Member
Wow.... you have nothing to lose on them so find a deep pot and bury them about an inch and a half from the leaves to stand them up. ...see what they do.
I got some more in and I was intending to throw 'em but just figgered there would be no loss as will ge grow more anyway at the same time, more to see what does come out of it :-) any gain is something extra, I thing i might try the coat hanger with one and the burying the other to see how they each go. Cheers all, I'll let you all know how it goes as time goes on.

I'm just shocked that they managed to suvive a month with no interaction or light!

Kind regard's, Happy Smoking,



Active Member
They want to please... I harvested a Slh and stuck the stalk with two little branches left on it in a corner, forgot about it and found it a couple weeks later and the dang on thing reveged its self... :)


Active Member
Agreed with bloodhound. Get a deep pot and plant so that there is only an inch of stalk showing from the top of the soil. They should do fine, thats what I'd do anyways. Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow.... you have nothing to lose on them so find a deep pot and bury them about an inch and a half from the leaves to stand them up. ...see what they do.
That's ur best bet. Staking them up they might survive bit will be weak. If your bury them they will grow roots all down the stem that is burried.

I once had 2 plants hermy on me. They were so beautiful I put them in a spare bathroom in the dark cuz I didn't wanna cut them. 3 weeks of darkness later they were still alive and didn't even look bad other than a little pale. Then I cut them.
I'll definitely go with putting them in a taller pot then as that sounds to be the best way to go about it and to be fair, makes the most sense, again, thanks guy's for the help, very appriciated :) by the way, could any of you tell if they were looking health from a more experianced point of view please, despite the stretching, they looked health enough to me.

Hi, can any of you tell me how I can tell when my plants have entered the vegitive stage? I have the plants under 24/7 light at the moment but I'm unsure whether I should change to 18 hours day? Can anyone advise please?

Thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
Unless the seeds are one of a kind, or something you HAVE to try to save, just start over. If you started new seeds today, in a month they would look better than those would look in two. Get a solid germination, good light on them when they sprout, and a nice breeze blowin. You can use either a 24/0 or 18/6. Either one will work. I recommend 18/6.
I for one would like to see how these recover. I say grow them out. It would be interesting, and like you said you got nothing to lose. Good luck!
Got the new seeds in, and all are under 18/6 lighting, the new seeds are on plain water, and the recovering plant is on very small amount of bio-grow on one water which was 2 days ago. The bio-grow has made one hell of a difference in 2 days, and has almost tripled in just those days alone. Unfortunately one of the plants tops got broken which was gutting but on the other hand, the other one is ok and the broken one was doing no where near as good as the one that has survived. As you can see though that last one seems to be doing well so far, and I have to say, I'm very proud and looking forward to how it turns out at the end.

Happy growing and thanks for all the advice, and also hope you enjoy watching how this goes like I do.

