hi ive decided to post this thread to show exactly how i grow cannabis outdoors. i started off by putting my seeds directly into paper towels and adding water that is exactly 25 deg celcius or 77 deg f for those in northern hemisphere and then i turn my hot water cylinder up to 85 degress c or 185 deg f and then place them on the top shelf in my hot water cupboard which stays at a warm 24 - 26 deg c for 4 days or until the tap root is 2 cm long then i transplant them into 6cm square jiffy pots (size doesnt matter its just what i prefer to use) i use nutrient free seed raising mix as i dont like to use any potting mix or soil that contains slow release fertilizers and then they go into my propagation dome with a 24w t5 aqua one light system on top with a digital thermometer to ensure exact temps are kept and stay between 22.6 - 23.9 degress celcius. i keep the soil moist but not damp or soaked and ph my water to between 6.2 ph and then next watering 6.5 ph. stay tuned as i will be posting updates weekend on progress over the next 2 weeks. if you are growing different strains make sure to always mark seeds to identify and never germinate them together as they may get mixed up been there before. next update is transplanting and nutrients guide on the 10th september. its still august here and still winter in nz and these will be grown indoors at night and outside during the day until going outside to there final grow site for summer in late november so will be in vege 3.5 months before going outdoors if you follow my guide you will end up with big as plants like the one in the picture below and yes before you ask at harvest i pulled 1.18 pound off it and last years summer harvest i got 45.5 pound growing outdoors for as little as $250 all up not a bad return i say.

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