Moteasah's First Grow Ever! - Outdoors!

yes i would say put them out and if you do put them out try starting in partial shade and see how that goes and then after like 2 weeks move them into the sun more untill they are in full sun. and as far as pots go i would look into a brand of pots called smart pots they help in aiding aeration in the soil so you gett better root growth and they are cheap and durable. hope that this helps alot. make sure to check them everyday and check soil. The sun is hot!!!
yes i would say put them out and if you do put them out try starting in partial shade and see how that goes and then after like 2 weeks move them into the sun more untill they are in full sun. and as far as pots go i would look into a brand of pots called smart pots they help in aiding aeration in the soil so you gett better root growth and they are cheap and durable. hope that this helps alot. make sure to check them everyday and check soil. The sun is hot!!!

Thanks for your feedback sir but I already have them outside now :) Anyone else? Pics updated at bottom of page 4 :)
that kinda looked a little burnt.. but we will see as time passes but i wouldn't worry dude your plants look great and I'm sure that you'll get a good amount you got plenty of time left until they will naturally flower outside and they have already 3x in size (some more) from some of your first pictures that you put on this forum. so keep up with the updates thatt keeps a forum alive and people like to see other peoples progress and how the plants are doing so good job!
The plants looked burned? Anyone else? Bottom 2 posts on page 4. One set is the plants and the other are a few problem spots I'd like some feedback on.
Here are some of the problems I see. I don't think any of these are major, just normal wear and tear from being outdoors. There was however an extremely green medium size some kind of bug that is good at jumping on a plant today and when I moved him, I seen he was chomping bigtime on one of my cola's. I snipped the affected leaf and killed the bug a few times :p

I have the same thing on mine as your first 2 problems. I'm guessing thrips, and I have seen a few whiteflies at dusk. Nothing major, but I'm gonna spray again next few days to keep them in check. Safer makes whitefly strips, gonna hang a few around my plants. Theya re also good for thrips, aphids and a few other pests
All seems to be going well. Plants are getting much bigger now and stalks are thick. Been doing 1/2 recommended flora nova grow nutes every other water and I'm doing my feedings every other day or even skipping an extra day and doubling up water. My next question I guess is:

After researching strains and flowering times, am I right to assume that all my plants will start flowering at generally the same time but will be ready to harvest at different times? Mid august for normal folks? Even if I started late, my plants just won't grow quite to potential but flowering starts based on hours of light and darkness? I think I'm learning! :)
All seems to be going well. Plants are getting much bigger now and stalks are thick. Been doing 1/2 recommended flora nova grow nutes every other water and I'm doing my feedings every other day or even skipping an extra day and doubling up water. My next question I guess is:

After researching strains and flowering times, am I right to assume that all my plants will start flowering at generally the same time but will be ready to harvest at different times? Mid august for normal folks? Even if I started late, my plants just won't grow quite to potential but flowering starts based on hours of light and darkness? I think I'm learning! :) Find an area near you and see when the difference between sunrise and sunset is 12 hours. Sorry if this doesn't help.
Calm down your plants should start flowering before the middle of August. I have plants that are starting to flower now. Keepem green dirrtyd
Ok. All plants started flowering and are looking killer.

Question regarding misting.... I've been doing this twice daily on all six of my plants. As soon as they started flowering, they are demanding 3 times as much water just to stay hydrated and I'm misting as well. I've read that misting can cause mold. Well, I've started using Monterey Garden Insect with Spinosad as I have a small thrip issue and found 1 worm crawling about. I live in NorCal where it's fairly hot and dry daily so will misting/spraying with this pesticide ever become an issue for me? Should I stop when I start getting bigger buds? If so, how can I stop budworms later in the flowering stage.