Completed the construction of the new growth room and upgraded from the tent!


Active Member
I use Jack's tap water 15-5-20 as basic nutrition, mix Jack's 10-30-20, adjust npk to use mkp and calcium 15.5-0-0, add si, epsom salt and drip clean.


Active Member
About the flowering light,I made this light myself, the size is 5 feet by 6 feet, using 60 560mm led strips , these stripes are from brightlux,they are 3000K. the overall lumen is 120,000, and the color rendering index is 90. I think there is enough red in the spectrum. The pictures below are from the manufacturer. I bought two second-hand led power supplies from eBay, 600 watts and 480 watts, and the total cost is about 170 US dollars. A total of 290 dollars was spent on the light strip.



Well-Known Member
Bravo! Love the setup. Jack's is the truth right? Those plants look so happy, congratulations and keep up the good work


I’ve been growing dwrc for the pas 10 years or so. I have a twelve 13 gallon grow sites. I trim my roots every week. I does no in harmful to the roots, in fact Current Culture recommends root trimming as a standard SOP for dwrc. All your doing is reaching into the reservoir and trimming off the runners that will clog your system. Hope this helps in the future!


Active Member
I’ve been growing dwrc for the pas 10 years or so. I have a twelve 13 gallon grow sites. I trim my roots every week. I does no in harmful to the roots, in fact Current Culture recommends root trimming as a standard SOP for dwrc. All your doing is reaching into the reservoir and trimming off the runners that will clog your system. Hope this helps in the future!
Thanks a lot, I will do it.


Active Member
Bravo! Love the setup. Jack's is the truth right? Those plants look so happy, congratulations and keep up the good work
Thank you, many people here use jacks nutrition, and there are also many threads. I have learned a lot from here.


Active Member
I haven't entered the growth room for a few days, but everything seems to be going well for now.Fallen leaves tomorrow and do plant support. It seems that they are recovering well. Change nutrition, I should add more P and K,By the way, test the side lighting



Active Member
I was still very busy, except for mixing the nutrient solution and adding water, I just used yo-yo to support the plants. Unconsciously came to the thirty-first day of the flower, just updated some pictures. Under the 940-watt diy light bar, the plant growth surface is about 45 square feet. I don’t know how much it will be in the end. I hope 4 or more, four plants



Well-Known Member
Looking good. I’ll post some pics later tonight of my plants at day 28, it’s just amazingly crazy watching the growth being a part of something that makes you feel good inside. Been growing for over 35 years consistently and with each grow I still walk away amazed.
Life is Good my friend!


Active Member
Looking good. I’ll post some pics later tonight of my plants at day 28, it’s just amazingly crazy watching the growth being a part of something that makes you feel good inside. Been growing for over 35 years consistently and with each grow I still walk away amazed.
Life is Good my friend!
Looking good. I’ll post some pics later tonight of my plants at day 28, it’s just amazingly crazy watching the growth being a part of something that makes you feel good inside. Been growing for over 35 years consistently and with each grow I still walk away amazed.
Life is Good my friend!
Thanks, I have been busy lately, how are you doing?


Active Member
Fortunately, I used 20-gallon tote to grow plants, and only run four plants on a 12-unit system, so I didn’t pay attention to plants for a few days and there was no problem. Large systems, everything is stable, PH, PPM .....
Sick setup man. I can't believe you built that light.
One thing I am noticing about you plants. Your leaves are talking to me. You may be able to get away with lowering the Nitrogen killa.


Active Member
Yes, tomorrow I will finally have some time to empty the nutrient solution for replacement. I haven't made any adjustments since the root rot was changed to the nutrient solution last time. I am currently running at 1.1 ec, which is too low.
Yes, tomorrow I will finally have some time to empty the nutrient solution for replacement. I haven't made any adjustments since the root rot was changed to the nutrient solution last time. I am currently running at 1.1 ec, which is too low.
Interesting. It simply looks like they in the starting stages of nitrogen toxicity. Around wks 4-5 the N requirements drop off as the actual size of the plant's pretty much set.


Active Member
Interesting. It simply looks like they in the starting stages of nitrogen toxicity. Around wks 4-5 the N requirements drop off as the actual size of the plant's pretty much set.
I went to deciduous and observed the plants carefully. At present, the leaves of one plant show signs of nitrogen poisoning, dark green leaves, other plants have no problems, no matter what, I will change the nutrient solution tomorrow and run NPK at 1:1.5:2. , See what happens later.


Active Member
Damn, I found that my nutrition configuration was wrong last time. I should use jacks10-30-20 instead of jacks tap water 15-5-20. My nutrition formula is not wrong, but I added it wrong.


Active Member
Continue to update, the first flowering day is April 9, and it has been more than a month. After changing the nutrition, I currently calculate that my nutrient concentration is 1200 ec ppm, the NPK ratio is 1:1.5:2, because I use tap water, so my monitor showed 2000 ec ppm, Doing a lot of defoliation was performed to avoid bud rot in the later stage, which seemed to put a lot of pressure on the plants ,wait for them to recover.


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