Completely destroyed this fan driver

I appreciate all the rapid feedback fellas. I'll get a pic for ya. Ya I don't know how I messed that up. I'm aware of what drivers do. Just completely fucked up this one. I only opened it to see if I could unsolder the extra wires from the board on the output so I didn't have live wires just hanging unused. @Renfro
Find the caps on top of the board rated at 160 or better and trace it back. Their will be a slot that bridges the legs on the optoisolator. Usually 4 legs. The secondary low voltage side controls the power mosfet thru the optocoupler. This isolates the low and high voltage.
My best house call was for a rear projection Sony. Warranty call. Spots on the screen. The customers had the place sprayed for roaches and I think most ended up in between the lenses and the guns.
Another one I went to I got there and two trailers were butted together with a roof over them. Post roof not attached. Doublwide! Anyway I go into this dark place with my tools and this young lady led me to the TV. Setting on the coffee table was a revolver and a pile of money. I fixed it and they tossed me cash with a tip. Two weeks later I read in the paper they were arrested for meth.... I got stories.
The two surface mount bridges on the bottom can you trace which on goes to the 600v cap? They appear to be there two high voltage rated caps?
It appears db?1 and two are the rectifiers for the line. Maybe the two are connected already. Maybe check resistance from the two possible inputs? Not sure why the would have two.