Completely newbie having problems


Active Member
Hi there,

I'm completely new to the forum and it's the first time I'm growing marijuana.
I took two very young plants with a friend of mine a week and a half ago. The we're looking very well in my opinion, but two days ago I notice a yellow spot on the lowest leaf of one plant and them I mixed some nuts to it water. But I'm very worried because today appeared another yellow spot to the second plant, again at the lowest leaf.

I'm sending pics and I would be very pleased if some can can help.

ps.: I don't know what kind my plant is. Is anyone able to recognize it by looking the pictures?



Well-Known Member
it could be a number of thing..
if you ph your water ..feed a balance nute ..and dont push the nutes to hard should clear up and you wont have any more problems


Active Member
it could be a number of thing..
if you ph your water ..feed a balance nute ..and dont push the nutes to hard should clear up and you wont have any more problems
My nute is 15% Nitrogen, 15% P2O and 20% K2O, is it good for this plant age? (about 4 ~ 5 weeks)


Well-Known Member
Could be as simple as too much water . . . or too little. Exposed to low temp? So many things can cause yellowing. Could just be those single lower leaves die on that strain?
I wouldn't sweat it unless it spreads upward, then I'd probably add some epsom salts to the next watering. I use 1/2 tsp at most waterings anyway. Try to mix it up. Not sure of the therapeutical dose for deficiency? I'm sure someone'll post that data. Luck!
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Active Member
Could be as simple as too much water . . . or too little. Exposed to low temp? So many things can cause yellowing. Could just be those leaves die on that strain?
I'm watering it once a day, mornings, I water it til the soil get darker. After it they take like 12 hours of sunlight (direct and indirect), the temperature ranges between 18 or 19 celsius and 27, 29 celsius (about 64 to 82 farenheight).

It's growing in about 1.5" deep soil. When shoul I change to a bigger place?


Well-Known Member
to much water, probably a ph imballance starting and what are the white specks above the yellow in the picture.
check under the leaves for tiny bugs, hard to tell from pic


Well-Known Member
you should probably transplanted that thing bro. 1.5 in is not very deep. i have some seedlings that are 8 days old and already have roots coming out the bottom of a 5 in. deep cup. Shortly after germination the tap root shoots straight down 4-5 no time at all. Also watering everyday is probably to much. so first try transplanting into larger pots.remember to have new soil moist as well as the plant itself. this makes for easier/less stress during trans. then just use plain ph balanced water no nutes and see how they respond. as long as the yellowing does not move upward you should be ok. also they should be getting closer to 18 hours of light perday. hope i didnt go on for to long. Good luck - SUBSCRIBED