completly organic grow? no nutes? how will this end up?


so im growing 6 plants right now, and i was wondering how will the end results be if i dont use any nutes at all? just plain water all the time? how do you think it will result? do you think ill end up with only like 1 ounce in total? because im going to be realyl mad and if thats the case ife rather jsut rip the plants up rite now and not waist my time and effert in this, thanks:-(


Active Member
since i started i never used any kind of chemical plant food. My advice is to look up some guides on the forum or over the internet.
If you use plain water just let it rest for a night before use. It will be also great if you learn to make compost with all the bio waste you produce normally. I assure you this is way better than chemicals. And if you can get new dirt that would be awesome too.
I think if you do it right you will have good shit. You have many factors to take care but if you do it right you will have a high quality stash :D
And don't kill any of the plants until you know if they are male of female. Just wait a few weeks. How old are the plants? where are you growing them? How many CFLs are you using? how far are they from the plants? can you upload a picture?


im using foxfarm ocean forest soil , and im using 10 27watt 5500k cfl's im planing to add 2 more cfl's this afternoon, they started on 5/26/2011 so mmm there about 2 1/2 weeks old, i started them off out doors but since the weather in the west coast has been horrible i moved them inside, they get 16 hours of light, and there all femenized laughing buddah plants from barney farms, ill upload the pictures in a few minutes just let me go take them


i ment 5 are laughing buddah's and 1 is a white siberian, for some reason 1 of the laughing buddah's liek exploded in growth lol but im liking it so far(: okay im about to upload pictures


1.jpgthese are all 6 plants
2.jpgwhite siberian
3.jpg6.jpg4.jpg5.jpgthese 4 are laughing buddah's
7.jpg8.jpg9.jpgthese 3 pictures are of 1 plant, another laughing buddah by why did this 1 explode in growth and not the other ones? but it had like 2 or 3 little yellow leave on the very bottom that have been there a while now i jsut never removed them but i just did after i took the picture, they came off really easy actually lol, this is ALL at 2 1/2 weeks of growth how is it going so far? thanks