Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?


Well-Known Member
lets get past people thinking its gross, i infact think it smells really good with the mix of a nice cig and the ocasional rip of a steamroller, i set my chair right next to it, now the big question is would it help my plants to grow despite it being just sickening?
fuckin weird bro....and no it wont help ur grow....keep ur sphincter away from ur ladies


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres the deal corner of the yard pooper... in a lot of 3rd world countries, like eastern africa, there is no real option but to take shits outside. They have no plumbing or real sewer system... The problem with this, is that is rapidly spreads disease, and if you're hanging out smoking bowls next to your poo, then handling it and mixing it in with dirt, you're probably going to get violently ill. Either way, I really hope youre just fucking around because this is the stupidest idea I have ever even entertained...


Global Moderator
Staff member
I like to shit and piss outside, there is something relaxing about it, infact its the whole reason i fenced in my yard, before that i got arrested and i guess somebudys lil girl almost saw me pissing but dident, or thats what the cop said, cause usually im nakid while i smok my cig, and i like to smoke on my steamroller while im out there. any ideas on the fertalizer?
Someones daughter "almost" saw you pissing outside ?
Prancing around naked shitting in your back yard ?
WTF :dunce:



Well-Known Member
it was just the way you said and i totally mean it, good luck with you shitty weed, that i dident get a good vibe off of, it wasent the same as when u said it the first time
Why don't you fucking kids go back to school and get an education, you can't even spell and apparently your parents didn't teach you where to take a shit. Reading your posts is like beating off with a cheese grater, slightly amusing at first, then extremely painful. Put your head up your ass and you can smell your shit all day, that is where it belongs anyway


New Member
no but i was promised pictures and a grow thread. i still am hoping it actually turns out.
and it will, im picking up the potting soil later today and have put most of the older decaying shit in a garbage can to mix in soil, video's will be coming i promise. And ill be sure to take a vid of the shit before i mix so you all know this is a serious thread, and you will be able to tell its shit as well, I will be nude in all video updates as well, with my dick blured out.
Also i am picking up a ballast for my second HPS today.


Active Member
I can understand one's rationale for thinking human feces would work, but actually it would be the worst thing. I don't think preservatives and food dye would be good for the plants. Human shit is too toxic to be any good. This has been an amusing thread though. Keep them coming. There's no such thing as a dumb question.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
go to a Tyson farm and get chicken shit, but it will burn if you over do it.

lol I dunno about the rest of that other shit, id steer clear of it.

African kids make BUTT HASH, shit and piss in a bottle about half full let it furment a few days in the hot sun and the huff the fumes.

they say the trip a few days off it. bwa ha ha ha Im out on any and all human shit on my girls.

Also, Monty's Joy Juice is very effective and cheap so maybe you could give it a look.


Active Member
In all seriousness, you could in fact use human waste as a fertilizer if you live (and have for some time) a vegatarian lifestyle. And that includes things such as dairy products. Organic would also be highly recommended. The human body is a sponge of whats put into it, and the toxins collected, as well as bacteria present, will be in your compost. I truly hope you arent serious about this grow, but if you do research on it, and are willing to live the above lifestyle, it is possible. Its also possible for me to go into space without a suit and oxygene too, doesnt meen i will do it.


Active Member
Dude this whole thread needs to be shot in the face... I am at a loss for words my friend.

Nothing like the smell of tobacco and shit. And occasional weed. The latter saves the whole ordeal.

God man. Not trying to be a dick, but what the fuck homez?