Compost Q.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i am about to start a compost can. i am going to make it out of a 30gal. steel can i just want your opinion on what i could do to make it better. i am trying to get it to decompose the fastest way possible.
This is what i plant on doing.

1.) drill holes on bottom sides and lid (lid on or off?)

2.) layer the compost so it's about 50-50 carbon to nitrogen ratio.

2.) i am going to tumble ( how often should i?)

3.)chop most of the materials into smaller pieces

4.) placing it where it gets most of the sun.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i am about to start a compost can. i am going to make it out of a 30gal. steel can i just want your opinion on what i could do to make it better. i am trying to get it to decompose the fastest way possible.
This is what i plant on doing.

1.) drill holes on bottom sides and lid (lid on or off?)

2.) layer the compost so it's about 50-50 carbon to nitrogen ratio.

2.) i am going to tumble ( how often should i?)

3.)chop most of the materials into smaller pieces

4.) placing it where it gets most of the sun.
lime helps decompose dead animals ... not sure if it helps composting ... but it'll buffer the pH

1- lid on if you're going to tumble
3-it should speed it up
4-yeah that'll do


Well-Known Member
Purpz.... Lime brings the composting process to a not use lime......
Your plan sounds good, the addition of some alfalfa pellets (aka-rabbit food), smashed up into a powder adds good things to the mix & speeds along the process. Here is a list of common items you can compost & some basic guidelines for mixing, turning, etc....
I turn mine weekly for best results......
See the thread on Trico-what ? to see why alfalfa is a good add-in....
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real Organic.....


Well-Known Member