Compost tea causing white mold


Well-Known Member
PWS out here doesn't really hurt my plants from the look of it..might kill some thousand buggies but I doubt that will matter if I have some million odd bug in my soil. but maybe Im wrong. Im sure I could do worse by using miracle Gro lol:lol:



Active Member
I agree with malignant, its probably just a bloom body or mycelial mat from a healthy living soil. If your plant is happy chill out. Its not myco, these only live ON roots and IN the soil. There are a plethora of other beneficial fungi. My living soil trough in the greenhouse bloomed out 3 distinct different mushroom types and my plants thrived, without any action from the macro farmer (me), the micro farmers (microbes) generally know how to keep a mix as the roots need it!


Well-Known Member
As far as promix being mostly all spaghnum and peat moss, will the microbes in the tea I provide consume the moss or will it just remain a hydro set up and the plant will drink the tea but no composting so to speak will happen to the soil ?


Active Member
You need more air movement at "ground level"..... You could also use a inch or two of mulch. The mulch surface will dry fast and not allow fungus to grow where you can see it. That said, what you are seeing is actually healthy. It means your soil is alive. You just have to mind your humidity or that shit will overrun your garden.


Active Member
As far as promix being mostly all spaghnum and peat moss, will the microbes in the tea I provide consume the moss or will it just remain a hydro set up and the plant will drink the tea but no composting so to speak will happen to the soil ?
They wont "consume it" per say.... That shit takes a long time to break down. But they will colonize it. That stuff is like the house they liv in while they eat the ferts you mixed in..... Very important key. You have to give the bennies a nice home so they can do their work.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I have some myco growing in my garden under all my plants and it doesn't look like that...more like white blocks of soil with little white tendrils coming from it...
It might be the pics, but that stuff looks fuzzy...which myco is not is kind of like foamy almost, like solid, hard to explain...does that stuff puff when you touch it...or is it like poking a piece of thin styrofoam? If it is puffy then it is just some sort of mold or what not, but if it is styrofoamy then it is myco living in the soil...

so I poked it and it's not styrofoam but I'd like to note that it isn't very thick anyhow. maybe like the thickness of a nickel if that


Well-Known Member
They wont "consume it" per say.... That shit takes a long time to break down. But they will colonize it. That stuff is like the house they liv in while they eat the ferts you mixed in..... Very important key. You have to give the bennies a nice home so they can do their work.

Seems logical. I also discovered some green moss or maybe mold, its small so I can't get a texture of it to decipher whether its like bread mold or moss like you would see on rocks..ill just have to let it grow I guess and see what it does.

Also...I put a Hygrometer in my green house and it seems to be reading low or maybe it's so humid the needle spun around completely and reset its self so what I see the needle at 10% is really that possible lol