Compost .....


Active Member
So compost ....
I got chicken shit, cow shit, and garden plant matter out the ass. Some lime, and mushroom spores. ;)
As most of you know, some one up rooted my babies band left them for dead in my back yard. Some where pushing 8 feet tall. I don't want to dump them on the road, or put them into the trash can for all to take them.
At this point I'm done and not even going to make hash. Long story.

Is it ok to compost them? The compost will never get used for cannabis for at least six months. They were super healthy and no pests. If not that's cool I will burn them.

What if I don't use it for my cannabis but use the compost for met veg. Garden. With the thc harm them?

Tanks guys...


Oh man... karma will get those fools. Composting them is your best option... at least you will be returning them to where they came from and not the dump. THC wont effect your veggies. I prefer to purchase my compost tea (bountea) because he already did the work for you. Creating your own from scratch can create problems, mainly not knowing exactly how much to use to really benefit your ladies. Using them as guinea pigs sucks.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Oh man... karma will get those fools. Composting them is your best option... at least you will be returning them to where they came from and not the dump. THC wont effect your veggies. I prefer to purchase my compost tea (bountea) because he already did the work for you. Creating your own from scratch can create problems, mainly not knowing exactly how much to use to really benefit your ladies. Using them as guinea pigs sucks.
no to hijack your thread but i cannot message ograsta. are you getting good results from the bountea? i recently started to make my own teas but dont know if i am doing it good. maybe i should buy one of his teas to use a couple times. to get the smell of a good tea and what not.


Active Member
My main goal is compost for my veggie plans, not my ladies. I just wanted to make su the thc would not be the issue.
I don't really want to use it on my ladies, just incase there was a desease that they had. Never know for sure and that wouldn't help at all.
Thanks all. I have other stuff for soil mix,band teas.
Tanks guys.

MyCo JoRdAn

Another idea is to cut the leaves up and dry them out and use them as a top dressing on your girls. After all, cannabis leaves retain the exact nutrition that cannabis needs.