Composted cow manure


Well-Known Member
We been having a drought and im thinking of mulching my plants with some composted cow manure, they are all just starting to flower anyone think this is a good or bad idea. I don't think it will burn them will it.
- In severe drought, cow manure will help plants survive due its high humus and microbe counts.
- It will mostly be high in nitrogen if it has decomposed anaerobically in which case you should add some dry carbon (dry hay, leaves etc) to the manure.
- You don't want the cow manure mulching to be exposed to the sun else you will lose carbon and moisture, hence put another mulch of dry hay, leaves over the cow manure mulch..
- All your mulching (wet or dry) should 3" away from the main stem else there can be rot.
- In extreme drought you can feed the plants grey water one foot away from the canopy of the plants provided the grow is organic, full of microbes and life.

If it is composted you can add large amounts without worry. Put it on 3 to 6" thick, keep it away from the stem and youre good. Composted cow manure is about 1-1-1 or less, depending on age and what they ate. Great for your soil though.
