Composting used soil with synthetic nutrients

I don’t know if this is the right place to post. Can you compost old soil mix if it was used with synthetic nutrients? In this case heavy 16. I don’t know why I haven’t really thought about it before but getting more into the gardening and creating compost for my outdoor vegetables and fruit trees I guess got me thinking. I have acreage so a lot of times I just scattered my old indoor potting soil out in the woods but also started a pile to compost outside. But yeah the question is can I even compost or use the soil outside if it has been used with synthetic nutrients? The soil mix I use is sunshine advanced. Also if you can’t what do you guys do with your old soil? Is the solution to switch to organic?
i dont really see a problem in using or composting your medium even if you did used synthetic nutes with it. also switching to organics is always the best solution for me.