Compound HQ's Grows

When I first moved down there he had a little outfit on the corner of Lee and 52nd? I know it was on Lee, worked there for a month or two till I got into Chem Pac and then Goodyear for the rest of my time.

One thing that always bothered me was his hand shake, the way he did it and always made sure that you could see his initials stitched in his cuff.
The first jackhole pic if thats who I think it is was heavier than when I met him, the second jackhole pics looks like a cracked out version.
Farm is good. Not trying to correct you but it's Miss Flatrate, we've been together for almost 15 years, living together for 14 years, and things are still pretty hot! No marriage talk please. LOL, We are good and thanks for asking, I return to work on Monday night.

I always have wanted to play the drums, but never tried, maybe one day. I saw this a couple weeks ago and its worth the watch.

Farm is good. Not trying to correct you but it's Miss Flatrate, we've been together for almost 15 years, living together for 14 years, and things are still pretty hot! No marriage talk please. LOL, We are good and thanks for asking, I return to work on Monday night.

I always have wanted to play the drums, but never tried, maybe one day. I saw this a couple weeks ago and its worth the watch.

Ahh!.. I stand corrected! Miss Flatrate.! Good for you man!. Video is badass!.. Go Granny!.. I played in a band for about 10 years, lead guitar, but I always jumped on Danny's drums after practice. I thought it was fun. Years after we broke up, Danny went on to own Miller Pro Audio, he's done lights and sound for many great bands, and even done a setup for President George W B. He lives in a freaking 6000 sq ft home around here with a damn river running through it... LOL.. you can walk into the kitchen and see Koi below your feet. He's done well. Anywho.. I bought a set of drums about 10 years ago and started playing along with music just for fun.
Only audio I am familiar with is car audio. Another one from L Town, back in the day 2001-2003 easy there was a primer black Datsun running around with 4 12" L7's back by oh 4400 watts, his name was Vance. Usually had a large American flag hanging off a CB antenna?
Only audio I am familiar with is car audio. Another one from L Town, back in the day 2001-2003 easy there was a primer black Datsun running around with 4 12" L7's back by oh 4400 watts, his name was Vance. Usually had a large American flag hanging off a CB antenna?
Yep!.. I remember that dude! That's some funny shit man!.. lol!
Got the top colas (Early Lemon Berry) off of tray 3 today (from left to right) so we are letting the secondaries cook for another week or 2. Tray 2, and the far end of 3 still need some time on the mains. We got time tho. Had a bout of Fungus Gnats this round.. never seen them before this round, hence the sticky traps. We got it under control, but I left them out just because. We rarely saw one flying around, but them sumbitches love the yellow sticky traps!. I found that if we sprayed neem oil on the top soil, and flushed the plants a bit, we would find dead larvae at the end of the tray. Took a while to break the cycle, but we have a plan for the next run to prevent this.

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