But it is research done by the manufacturer.
And maybe I'm a bit too suspicious, but I don't always have a lot of faith in that.
Not because they lie or withhold the truth.
But because they often don't do proper research.
Or because there are other factors that influence the research.
I would love to see a study done by an independent institution under scientific supervision.
I'm not saying the device doesn't do what the manufacturer says it does.
But I would still like to see a little more evidence concerning the botrytis and mildew.
Bothrytis and mildew costs the agricultural industry several millions of Dollars/Euro's each year.
I just wonder why nobody came up with a similar device in all these years?
If they would have invented it last month... ok. But you are saying that they are doing tests with it for many years.
There is research done on the use of ozone for preventing diseases and the results are not clear yet. Manufacturers say of course they do work, but scientists say there is no finale conclusion yet. Ozon for example also can have influences on other factors (for example breaking down iron chelates).
It is an interesting field, and I welcome every company that is battling it.
It's nice that your clothes smell fresh.

But I wouldn't buy the device for that. In addition, there are also cheaper ozone devices for sale. But why hide the scent from a legitimate company? I would only buy the device to prevent botrytis and mildew.
But I think it is still too expensive for that.
Let me be more correct: If it would prevent botrytis and mildew, it is not too expensive. Not at all.
But for a device that in my eyes has not proved itself in a scientific way, it is.
Maybe it is too expensive for what you get, but that is irrelevant. Research and development cost a lot of money.
It is also not yet available in the European market.
I can buy it in the US of course, but I would like local warranties under EU law and service close by. Not across the ocean.