Incubation for round 7. Thought we’d change things up a bit this round.
Growing from seed..
Ethos Citradelic Sunset, CrescendO Rbx1, and Candy Store R1
Keeping our Dosi Whoa genetics because it’s such a heavy yielding pheno, but saving it for next time.
I still like the paper towel method, and I got 100 percent tap roots within 18 hours on the heat mat. Hell, one of them cracked the shell and popped the first set of leaves on the paper towel. Wish I would have taken a pic of that. Anywho... going back to C25 medium, as we have tried it in the past and liked it, but they were on back order this last round and we used BM7 again. Not that BM7 is bad, we just like the C25 better. Seems to drain better, and we have noticed healthier root systems with it. Here we go!