Compressing Weed

Haha Your a Funny Jus Sell Your Bags if They Dont want it ....More fr you to smoke :D<< My motto ;)
Actualy I did. But since I browse through multiple proxies on my cellphone, YouTube links won't load. But I get the just of what happened:). Gotta say it's the first time I've been rickrolled! Touché.

ha ha you got rickrolled ,,(allmost ) but yeaH i dont sell bud but if i did i wouldnt be trying to sell shake as abud , and like you if i recieved shake as bud id be out head hunting that arsehole ......peace :peace:
actually I see "compresed" or "brick" weed alot here. And its actually alot better than the loose/light reggie.. But its still reggie. When I buy a 1/4oz or 1/2 oz the first thing I do is see if its compressed/dense.. If it is then 90% of the time its a decent high.. At least thats the way it is here..I guess its better because there is more THC per volume ( sq cm or w/e ) ? I just thought ppl compressed it to fit more into a small space when transporting LBs and stuff like that. At least thats what I always thought. I never thought they compressed it for another reason expect space management . I asked the guy I buy my weekly 1/4 ozs or 1/2 ozs from and he said he didnt even know why its compressed..But he did say he likes to get the loose/fluffy better cuz it sells better... Yea right.. He meant he can shit ppl more by selling fluffy ass light weed that looks big but takes a 1/2 a damn bag to roll a decent joint lol.. I think the asshole actually sprays his weed w/ water too to make it heavy.. Almost every bag I get from him is moist as hell but it will dry out super fast if you dont place it in a ziplock baggie or airtight container.
yeah ive never seeen compressed weed in the uk , actualy i did years ago and it was fulll of seeds and sticks , but ive not seen that for years n years .
ive read alot of you americans talking about it , and i was under the impression it was from mexico and compressed to fuck ,to get it across the border stealthy , but i dont know ,??????
Imported commercial is most likely compressed for space reasons. A garbage bags worth can be made to fit in a shoebox. This is much more lucrative during importation. Loose "reggies" may have been steamed to fluff up a brick which will make it less palatable, as well as further damaging trichomes. Depending on how thick a brick is, the inner area may be unnaffected by oxygenation. Some of the best pot, buzz wise not flavor, I had was compressed, almost blue pot from costa rica in '96. Gooey little nuggets we'd cut off the brick like fudge with a razor blade. A single bowl lasted 4 sessions and was simply amazing. This is the only compressed pot I would ever buy again, and I've moved hundreds of lbs of brick between '88-'01.
i only got half way through this thread and it was disgusting

ther is no whay to make shake into buds, do you know what buds look like and you can tell what shake is even if you make it into a brick.. if your selling it you want your customers to be happy. they can always buy from sum1 els.
i would never buy from you again if i got bricked up shake from you
you cant make shake into a bud of course.. DUHH.. But you def can make it into a brick that makes bud sized pieces when broken.. I think thats what he meant maybe?
another thing is im tha dude who has to hook his boys up so its better to give them nugs than the wudnt like it if some one sold you nothin but broken up weed would you? could you make a bunch of sugary thick syrupy water and put it on the weed and cram it together?

Well 2 things come to mind, 1) Either you bought the shake like that to sell thinking you could form into buds or 2) You grew it yourself then broke it up. Weed dont start off as shake so you put yourself in that position now do what the big boy's do and either lower the price to get rid of it a.s.a.p. or tell your customers to buy it or ride out. If you have customers that are that picky about it then you should drop them and find ones that appreciate what you do for them. ;-)
haha this is a funny post, put some big pieces on the bottom of the bowl so it wont suck through bro haha
i dont see what the big deal with shake is....its weed...grant it the THC might be broken down a bit from it being broken up and mashed around and what not but it will still get you high. It seems a bit snobbish to turn up your nose at shake

would you rather have an eighth of dank shake or an eighth of nasty regs?
this is another thread where a guy is clearly fucking with people just to see how long the thread will go before it dissipates. remember the incandescent bulb thread? the fork thread? the 'come to Iceland and grow for me thread'? this isn't real - the OP isn't even here anymore.
i dont see what the big deal with shake is....its weed...grant it the THC might be broken down a bit from it being broken up and mashed around and what not but it will still get you high. It seems a bit snobbish to turn up your nose at shake

would you rather have an eighth of dank shake or an eighth of nasty regs?

Me personaly I'd take shake no problems if I was out of weed. But when people 'round here sell shake, they sell it cheap. They do not put lipstick on it and try to get you to dance with it though.

Jrh, What was the issue you had with gp420 and his fork-stake? ;)
another thing is im tha dude who has to hook his boys up so its better to give them nugs than the wudnt like it if some one sold you nothin but broken up weed would you? could you make a bunch of sugary thick syrupy water and put it on the weed and cram it together?
Spray them with corn oil and corn syrup.