dude, all you need to do is to use a computer fan wired to a 12v power adapter thingy that you might get from an old Nintendo, computer speakers, or some other appliance. You know those little black boxes that plug into walls that have a thin wire. Find one as close to 12v as you can and connect the wires. Dont worry if their wrong or right cuz one way it wont spin and the right way it will so just find out which wire connects where and tape em together. you want the filter to be before or after the fan and the fan to pull the air out and not in. If it pushes air in then the smells will come from every crack in the case. You want the fan to blow the sweet stench out throught the filter. Wherever you can make space the fan and filter will work. you could make a filter the size of your light and have it sit next to it connecting to the fan outlet. That will also make more sense since the hott air is close to the light. maybe if you could post some more pics of the computer from better angle we could figure out the placement best.