Concentra drug testing result times


New Member
Hi I took a drug test at concerta on Friday at about 1:30 before hand I took a first check and it gave me a fairly red line not super faint... I was 12 days removed from smoking and I have 7percent body fat... I drank a 32 oz smart water on the way there I took my test and my piss was way more clear then what I used to test if I passed my initial test should I be good still? So then the next day I took another test differnt brand got a very faint line less then the day before it's now monday and still waiting to hear results I went to concentra but I think they send to quest diagnostics how long does it take for the test results to come back and do you think I over diluted or will be fine? Opinions please if I posted in wrongn area sorry I just need answers
Hope for a re test... Or call concerts see who they sub out to ask for typical turn around times
Most places dilute is a fail. I don't know about probation or that kind of shit but if it's for a job they take that as a fail.
Thanks for responding btw at least some people are any experiences are welcome I would call but don't want to seem suspicious I went in friday took test at 1:30 so I'm assuming now that it's tuesday its getting tested in hoping for a dilute
Also if you took a home test and it was faint, it will for sure be a dirty test. Like a faint line on a pregnancy test, your fucked. I'm not trying to bum you out or worry you. You should know before you even piss if you will pass or not. 2 weeks isn't going to cut it to pee clean. Only things that I know work's every time is using someone else's urine. Is it for a job or for the courts?
It's a preemploment drug screen here is the test I took 1 hour before I went in i then drank. 32 oz smart water on the way and it was my first piss and and line is still a negative no matter how bright they say and this is not the faintest I have seen so I'm thibking I either pass or get diluted
I also have not received a call from an MRO either I know if that happens then I inow I failed so I'm just stressing out
Btw I called and talked to boss today and they have me going in for a physical testing Thursday and he said he saw my safety packet so I sure hope that means i passed fingers crossed
Usually it indicates an irregular test. Most basic 5 and 7 panal tests will provide instant results (example if you are taking a pre access work drug test). Those results are usually delivered right away, but if there is a fail it is sent to the lab to analyse the concentration (most companies have a threshold of tolerance).

No saying that it is 100% the case for you, but as a.general rule that is how it works. Last year the company I work for sent over 400 guys for piss tests, I know a.thing.or.two about them
Oh and dilution they will make you pee again on the spot in most cases then send the 2ND sample to the lab automatically
Considering its pre employment I woudobt care if it was a retest at least I'd have time to get it before I go in there and I can just sub it but like I said there sending me in for some resistance test and he said he saw my paper work so idk if that means I passed took test friday and now thursday no cal from MRO so good news so far