Concentrating Compost Teas for Outdoor Use.


Well-Known Member
many time on the outdoor forum i see people complaining about having to carry large amounts of compost teas to the grow to feed their plants. over the years i have also seen many people make the mistake is using fish or suger based fertalizers in areas where coons, bears, possoms or other animals will dig the plants up looking for teh tasty stuff you hid down there.

there are some of you who have to pack all of the water your plants will need down to the grow, this guide is not for you. and there are some of you who have teh means of having electricity @ your outdoor grow, and thus can simply make your fertalizers there.
This guide is for the Guerilla grower who has an established watering system for they grow. it is meant to simplify life and inform people of the things they CAN do to get bigger, healthier plants.

if your here for the goods, here they are. :)

What you will Need.
2-4 Liter bottle
3-5 gallon bucket
Airstone and aquarium bubbler
High N Fertalizer
High P fertalizer
High K fertalizer
Microbial starter + feed

The Ingredients. (this is what I use)
Bat Guano 10-3-1 (N)
Seabird Guano 1-12-1 (P)
Seaweed Extract 2-2-7 (K)
Black Strap Molasses (microbial)

Make sure to use fertalizers that ballance out. you can see what my fertalizer has almost equal amounts of N/P with slightly lowered K, thats allows me to Tweek the EXACT N/P/K of the fertalizers.

The Process.
Full the 2-4 L bottle 85% of the way up with water, then dump that into the bucket to measure the amount of water needed. add your fertalizers directly to the water, wet first dry second. stir the Dry ingredients in good and make sure the dry ingredients are saturated and the molasses is mixed in.

add in your Air Pump and stone and let it buble for a minimum 24 hours to kickstart the bacteria. i prefer 50 hours of bubling time before i use my concentrated fertilizers, as it allows the bacteria to concentrate.

The Math.
i use 50% of the package recomendations, per plant. i'll give my recommendations.
the amount of Molasses used doesn't change unless otherwise stated.
Molasses: 30 ML
Veg Growth.
Bat Guano 4 ML/plant
Seabird Guano 2 ML/plant
Seaweed Extract 2 ML/plant

Flowering Growth.
Bat Guano 2 ML/plant
Seabird Guano 4 ML/plant
Seaweed Extract 2 ML/plant

Nute Deficiency Fixer.
Bat Guano 2 ML/plant
Seabird Guano 2 ML/plant
Seaweed Extract 3 ML/plant
Molasses 60 ML total.
Epsom Salts / Gypsum 5 ML total.


Well-Known Member
I would ask where are the wormcastings. That would be the most important ingredient imo. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
yes thats exactly what it is..... and all of the Guano's or Poops, or MANURES generaly do the trick.....

I would ask where are the wormcastings. That would be the most important ingredient imo. keepem green dirrtyd
just add the worm castings to the soil....... seeing as the main benefit of the worm castinf the the nitrogen. people use wormcasting because the nitrogen is allready fixed and therefor teh microbes dont need to do ANY work.

the basis of concentrated compost tea is having a light weight, concentrated mixture, which when diluted into water makes the right fertalizer mix with the right amount of microbes, with enough food for the microbes. if you have all the heavy shit in the ground, such as your worm castings all you need to pack is the 3 LB bottle of concentrate.


Well-Known Member
The main point of compost tea is to innoculate your growing medium with beneficial bacteria,fungi and microbes to help break down the nutes that are in the growing medium.Fresh worm castings are used due to the bacterias in the worms digestive system.Do other manures have bacteria?Yup,but the worms bacteria are specialized to break down the stuff worms eat-dirt. Using well made compost will get you those bacteria,along with others, and some good fungus.Not saying what your doing isn't a good thing,but its more of a dissolved nute mix.


Well-Known Member
The Bat Guano is localy harvested (by me) it does the same job as the worm castings, but the Guano has to be "burnt" by leaving exposed to the elements for around 12~ months. the same kinds beneficial bacteria can be gained many ways.

Many of the fertalizers people buy can be gained by searching for information and putting some time and effort into to. 90% of the organic fertalizers can be made right @ your own home if you can figure out the proper mixture of organic matter. the very definition of "organic" being something that was once alive.

If using worm casting only for the bacterial content then put it in a cheese cloth or nylon to suspend it. the guanos are absorbed and need no cheese cloth.

happy to answer anything that comes up :)

P.S i use the rubicon bag and the rubicon fers Bcuz i get them Super cheap and there located within 100 miles :D gota advertise companys i love. + that bag has allways held like 2x as much as i can harvest/ever need.