the reason why im asking is cause of the way she os growing.... her leaves arent straight out there all of a sudden folding up.... and the stem she is growing curved all 3 lights are 2-4 inches away 23 watt cfls.... any advice or suggestions? its my first grow and im learning on this lil girl before my shipment of beans come....
I wouldn't worry. Just make sure you don't roast her. I would back off the light a little until she gets a bit more established. If yoy don't have it, get some air circulating around her.
...yeah man, if you want to succeed as a grower you have to do your own homework, if you just ask questions and wait for answers it will take you MUCH longer to learn this very simple hobby. have to realize that while this is new to you, it ain't new so the basics have been covered so many times it's gonna be hard getting experienced growers to come and answer these easy ones, ...what you'll get instead mostly is advice from other beginners trying to help and while most mean well, the advice they give will often be wrong and you are so unschooled you won't know which advice is good and which is crap. that's why you need to be willing to go hunting for basic growing information with an understanding that older, longer threads may seem boring but they offer you information that has stood the test of time so if it's bad advice you quickly find that out in your reading. is a copy of something i posted in someone else's thread the other day that contains a few links to threads that can change your life but only if you care enough to actually spend the time studying them.
peace, bozo
"...sorry man, i didn't mean to hit you with information overload, i know it's a lot to take in at once so take your time and research everything you are considering from several sources before you commit, better to spend your time studying and doing homework than to tear down because you trusted bad advice.
...that's kinda why i try always to provide links to MY sources where i learned a particular thing, there is a world of difference between knowing how to do a thing and knowing how to teach that thing so i try to let folks learn from the same places i learned from, believe me, in almost every case the things i recommend come from those with much more experience than i possess.
so, with that in mind here are a few more links for you to study, ...and when you go into these threads, especially the long ones, don't just read the information but also visit some of the grows of the most respected posters so you can see the actual results of the advice they give,, that's kinda why i post so many pictures, so you'll know i'm not just talking, this is stuff i've actually done.
...first up is a thread to a collection of links to some of the best DIY projects on the net on pretty much all grow-related topics, motherbox build is on the list i'm proud to say, lol, the point being that if you need to build something, look here first for how to do it.
...this next is to the simplest, most inexpensive feeding regimen there is and while it starts talking about MaxiBloom, which works great btw, once you get into the thread you'll find many that use other similar nutrient lines. (btw, KISS just means Keep It Simple Stoner)
...this next is to a very long but still active thread discussing hempy-buckets which are a passive form of hydroponics that is actually an adaptation of ancient Roman technology, discusses the use of a perlite/vermiculite mix as the medium although i and many others prefer coco for it's ease of use and it's results, if and when you are ready to give them a try i can help with details and more links, lol.
...and this one is to Marlo's W.o.W. thread where you will learn about that technique and how he runs it, with dual 400s on a yoyo light mover, in a vary narrow space under his stairs, believe me, if you get enough fan a 600 in a 3 x 3 is no big whoop. anything else there is a trade off of sorts and while i know there are other methods that might increase my yields they all require more labor than i'm willing to exert, my op almost runs itself and provides way more than i can consume by myself, fortunately for me, i have people close to me to share it with.
have fun with your research and if you approach it with the right mindset you will enjoy your study's immensely because there is some amazing shit in those threads and the growthreads of the more accomplished posters in those threads so it's almost like looking at treasure maps that, if you follow them, will lead you to your own treasure.
peace, bozo
...oh yeah, that fencing is easy to find at places like Lowes and HD, just go to the back of the outside garden section and i promise you you will find it." won't be sorry, those threads will give you all you need to know to successfully grow way more than you can smoke by yourself.
peace, bozo
...btw, if you check out the DIY thread first you'll see it's a collection of links to some of the best DIY projects around for anything ganja growing related so if you look through the list i'd expect you'll find several build threads on how to rig your airflow so your plants are happy.
...oh, and here's a few CFL pics to show that you really can grow good quality bud with nothing but common CFL bulbs.