

Well-Known Member
No, not yet at least. How far along in your veg are you? They will eventually grow together, but that can be solved with careful trimming. Is your concern light penetration? How many and of what wattage are your lights?


Well-Known Member
I see, so two lights one 1000w and one 600w? You should be fine with that. The plants look good. Just look up some good trimming techniques to keep them from crowding.

Post back in about 2 weeks with picture updates. Great start!
no all joking aside thank you for the info.. i was gonna say tho... idk if im gonna be vegging more than another 2 weeks.. i dont want the tops to get burned

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
She is gonna get crowded lol. How big is the space? How tall? By trimming I think he means stunting cause I think you may run out of room to train lol.
its a 6x6 maybe a few inches bigger... yea i have room for most of them to be tied into but im more worried about when they start flowering. i dont want them bugging each other

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ya its gonna get busy lol. I flower 6 plants in a 4x4 and strain dependant it can be a jungle but it is strain dependant. I've actually been thinking 4 may be better, just cant bring myself to do it lol.