Confessions Of An Angry Liberal


Well-Known Member
Debt slavery is 100% legal.

Mortgage literally translated means "Death note"

The system IS DESIGNED to rip you off.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, sounds like she wants to have all the privileges of a hard working person with drive and determination but she doesn't want to have to do anything for it. Maybe she should just want less. If you don't buy something, then you don't have to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
Sound's like she need's to find a job she Like's,,,You will never be happy unless you like what your doing,,,Sound's like she feel's trapped in a dead end job with a shitty employer,,,I can kinnda understand but damn,,,...She also sound's like a "Tea-Partier",,,bitching about Taxes lol.


Well-Known Member
depression is the sinking feeling that comes over you when your subconscious realizes that you are a rat in a maze and that the dollar is your cheese. Ever heard of a rat in a maze being free?


Well-Known Member
your problem with her is her skin color and her culture...

you just won't admit it.... it wouldn't be 'politically correct' now would it??

feff f

Active Member
your problem with her is her skin color and her culture...

you just won't admit it.... it wouldn't be 'politically correct' now would it??
i am blind. i didnt notice her skin color. but i did notice she was a bitch, who had a "victims" attitude. and i also noticed she seemed like she wanted a free ride from someone elses labor. those things i did notice.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone needs to worry about race anymore. That card has been pulled so many times in the last three years that it doesn't even mean anything anymore. I mean, come on. . . a person can't even say "a black cloud hanging over us" anymore without some extremist saying it's racist. Maybe we should start using the term "asshole brown" instead. LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
well, sometimes people give other people compliments as a test of common courtesy. the very beginning of the video she is complaining and explaining how she doesn't care for compliments. i could be wrong, about my evaluation of her from a short video, but i'm gonna give it anyway. She's full of shit.
She is the type of person who doesn't believe in common good, and when is encountered with a common good, gets suspicious and uncooperative. she probably doesn't care for common courtesy either. if anyone is in a state of depression brought on by stress, then they should be wise enough to get out of the situation and away from the stress. if they are not wise enough to escape stress, then they don't understand the nature of their own actions. oftentimes when people don't understand the nature of their own actions, they have more ability to hurt others without remorse. afterall, they remain in situations where others are hurting them. understand your own experience and you can navigate it a bit better. honestly i feel sorry for everyone who is trapped in hell. i've been there and done that.
