Confirm Sex.


Active Member
Its not to early. Unless their are a bunch of stray white cat hairs on my plants. They are female. BTW my cats are all black.


Active Member
Yes, in those pics theres 1 small white hair coming up underneath those node flap things. Its only on the new growth so i assume im catching it at the earliest possible moment i can. We'll see what it looks like later tonight. Been getting 1inch a day on these ladies, so it wont be long before they explode and stick up my room. CANT WAIT!


i say its too early to tell have you even switched to 12/12 yet? Ive had male plants that would grow a pistol or two only ltr to devolope sacs in the same area n turned out to b 100 % male. I think sexing during veg is a myth imo.


Active Member
O really??? I have never heard of a male making pistils. Now im kinda worried, although im starting to see more and more pistils, which makes me not worry. This is on top, on the newest growth.

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
I don't see any pistils in the pictures. Maybe it's just the quality of the photos, but I say it's too early to tell. If you're sure you see pistils then good luck on the rest of your grow...


Well-Known Member
I don't see any pistils yet either, but the second pic of plant two looks possibly male if anything. A bit early to tell for sure but keep an eye on them, you'll know when they show.