If you want benefits of CBD without the side effects of THC, you need a strain with has high CBD and low THC to begin with, period. You're attempting to use a specific temperature process to decarboxylate the CBD but not the THC but to see the true benefits you need CBD rich material to work with in the beginning. Most strains have 15%+ THC levels but much less than 1% CBD, if you're working with a typical strain like that its pretty much going to be a waste trying to meet your needs with it. There are strains out there with CBD levels higher than its THC levels, there are even strains that have 15%+CBD and less than 1% THC. These are the types of strains you need to use to begin with....
I am just learning about CBD extraction myself, as that is the part of the plant I need (chronic pain control). So here's what I know so far:
- The advice above is correct. Buy high CBD buds to start with. The best I've found so far is 16% CBD and less than 1% THC. Hard to get though, my pharmacy imports it from Europe or India usually and is often out of stock.
- Cook in oil or butter to extract. Both CBD and THC are fat-soluable. I grind the bud, then put it into a double boiler with a splash of water to cook for 5-7 hours on a low heat.
- I have read some articles that adding about 1 tablespoon of alcohol (ex. Vodka) can help the extraction process.
- I think what you are trying to do is separate out the THC from the CBD. There is way to do that by cooking first at a higher temp and then at a lower temp. Google that because I don't know the details, but I just read an article about exactly that.
- I've also read that sativa has more bio-available CBD than indica, but I'm not sure if that's true.
My own challenge: I am now trying to understand how to use fan leaves which are THC low and CBD high. Use fresh (juiced) or dry? If dry, I assume using the butter or oil method will work. If fresh and juiced, do I cook the juicewith butter/oil, drink it fresh, or turn it somehow ino a tincture (which I have no idea how to do).
Any advice out there on how to extract and process CBD from fan leaves? I would be eternally grateful. Thanks peeps!