Confused with Nutrients!!


Active Member
Im gonna do my second grow in a dr150 tent indoors, either a 600 or 1000w light, and in a nuetral soil mix or even coco.....but what nutrients should i use and y?

When i did my first grow, it was in a home made wooden box, 600w light and i used peters fertlilzers, but now i wanna set up everything to get some serious harvest!

I tried to research liquid nutrients companies like advanced nutrients, canna, dutch master, etc....and they have so many damn options and a million products for everything, how can you keep track of what to use! :wall: still new to this and wanted some advice cause i wanna get as much finished product as i can.

for example, what do you use for your indoor grow? and from that company, what are the individual products you use? like i said theres tons of them per there a package deal i should be looking for that has it all for what im trying to grow?



Well-Known Member
I here very good things about dyna grow you should check them out.there all organic and cheaper than advanced nutrients.but i havent used them yet i plan to next using fox farm trio pack and solubles.


Well-Known Member
Look for a simple, complete, one part nutrient.... and use it at a low strength. Dynagrow is working well for me, at low nute levels.


Active Member
dyna gro is a complete and easy line to use.....they are not however organic....

thanks for the advice! i will definetly consider dyna gro as well......looks to be a good start for me and when i get more proficient and knowledgable with growing, then i can do some experimenting :)


Well-Known Member
I started growing in hydro and went to soil for richer buds.
In hydro I started with GH 3 part flora series, then went to flora nova series. Then tried Fox Farms, then Dutch masters line up and to be honest with you the only difference I saw was FF clogged my chiller. I didn't notice any difference in the plants except FF Chi Ching did grow bigger buds.

If this is only your second grow maybe you should stick with a soil grow.
I got a good mix, FFOF, Black gold, worm castings and bat guano with a little perlite I can give you. All you need to do is add water.