

Active Member
hi every \body, sorry to make this post but after reading all the guides and fag, i just got more confused, might be the weed lol... I want to know what is the concept of DYC Aeroponic system, how it works, etc. I know that DWC aeroponics is bubble aero, maybe im wrong and please correct me if im. I want to know whats better DYC or DWC according to your experience and why would you recomend it. So far ive only grown in soil, and after doing some research i found out that aeroponics is way more efficient. I would like to do a Aeroponics SOG sort of system in a 5'x5' closet, and want to harvest as fast as it is possible. Thanks


Well-Known Member
i think you got your acronyms mixed, DIY aero means do it yourself, as to biuld your own custom rig, DWC is deep water culture, 2 different methods


Active Member
beautifull morris, helped me a lot here, im new to this stuff thanks!... I will be building my own aero system so it would be a DIY then. I was reading about how you can turn off your pump and put an aquarium rock to make bubbles when the roots have grown to a substancial size. My question is now, if im doing SOG, it is more effective to have 2 chambers or just 1? which way is easier so the pump do not get damaged by the roots? how do i then take out the pump when i want to put the aquarium rock in there??


Active Member
if your roots are gonna be in the rez with the pump, you will need a filter bag to put over your pump to keep roots from getting in. not sure what you mean by chambers, but an "aeroflo" system is what I think you mean, correct me if i'm wrong. if you're gonna do a sog, i guess you will need @ least two seperate systems for flowing, unless you're not gonna flush and just chop and reload the sites, not what i would do, but that's your call. i think you mite want to check out stinkbuddies setup, sounds like its what you want. as far as aquarium rocks, you have me confused. maybe an airstone, connected to an air pump is what you mean, which should have nothing to do with your water pump. water pump should be on some kind of interval system, 5min off 1min on, etc, or some variation of that. hope that helps

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i dont think the dwc is areoponics. Aeroponics is when the roots are suspended in the air with no medium and are fed the nutrient solution via sprayers. I think your talking about a reservouir with a pump and a bubbler to provide oxygenated water to be sucked up through a medium like clay pellets or something right? If your worried about flushing I once saw a ebb and flow table that the guy would have his perpetual crop in except the plants that he was flushing the last 2 weeks. They had a seperate reservoir for them(he used a wick system for those)


Active Member
Thanks umeric!, yes that is pretty much what i want to do but adding the clay pellets in the net pots and a bubbler for when the roots get to the water level. I guess i could use a plastic bag to cover the pump?. and yes pipedream im still trying to figure out how i will flush them!, will my water resoirver be mixed with the nutrients and spray at the roots everyday?? or do i have to add the nutrient lets say every Friday and on Saturday I change the water? Thanks for the help! just trying to get things clear!


Active Member
there are filters made specifically to fit over the pump, any hydro store should/will have it, if not order one. i still think what you are lookin for is an aero/nft type system that has seperate rez for each stage of flowering. that way you flush one system, put some clones or seeds in another, and you just rotate. each system should be on it's own rez, that way you can flush one, while the other is in it's early flowering stage. when you harvest the first system, clean it and put some more clones in it. check out Al B. Fuct sticky post. the idea of SOG is explained very well. also, do a google search for stinkbuddies if you want to do an aero/nft style. hope that helps.