Commander Strax
Well-Known Member
which ever way the vote went.....Congratulations

California is debating about splitting into 6 statesNot a bad M.O, form a political party(SNP) with just one idea.
to hold a referendum to be independent
then hold it to a vote,..
Now why can't they do that in the USA?
What would your state do....?
which ever way the vote went.....Congratulations
so now is the time to take back India!
I cannot wait till this country is once again irrelevant fucks sake
California will one day ...due to that fault line?
Louisiana should after all that shit went down post Katrina?
Detroit needs too, thanks to the motor corp. rape?
New York cause everyone their believes 911 was a coverup
Texas cause its still part of Mexico and only claimed by the us
well thats about the us covered, now where?