Congratulations Australia!!!

Would you be possible you can get a liscense?
To grow hemp? Yes, not that hard to get but many restrictions in place.

To grow MJ? Probably not. Maybe possible depending on how much money you want to throw at it.

It will probably work on the same lines as the poppie industry does. Big Pharma does everything (how many, the seed stock, when and what to feed it , when to harvest, harvesting, transport..everything, farmer just does what they are told) except the grow that is sub contracted out to the farmer.
Not much fun or room for "boutique" growing.

We shall see how it all progress. Im not aware of any thc grows in my state as yet. (and we have Poppies and Hemp grows and have done for a long time). Seems to be some red tape hold up.
Impressive; keep it criminal for the masses, but give all the profits to the classes.

Bravo, 'straya! o_O
Very true. it does suck a big one and its a shame we carnt have cannabis treated the same as beer. Boutique beer is a growing tourism and retail industry. You can brew at home no problem at all- selling home brew is illegal without a licence (fair nuff to). If the same rules applied it would be a win/win for everybody.

In all fairness though it doesnt seem it will effect the home grower who grows for themselves. We were having a chat on another thread a few days ago regarding penalties in Aus for growing smaller amounts and its pretty sweet to be honest. At the most its an arrest, answer some Q's at the local station, go home and wait for a court date, show up and get a stern talking to and back home again. Its not a big deal or worry really.

Im on an island that needs tourism to survive and prosper. Im all for gay marriage here and cafe's like in Holland. Would close to double our tourism overnight.
Yes we would have to overcome the many problems that the cafes may create or bring with them (anyone who has been to Amsterdam knows what im talkin bout) but well worth it if done properly and sternly.