.... and since this stupidity has taken on a life of it's own, at no point did I call @topcat an idiot. That said, I'm sure it won't stop any of your juvenile personal attacks, but that's more on you that it is on me.
Are you being sarcastic or just a complete idiot?
That statement is as idiotic as the people on their death beds in the Dakotas denying they could be dying of COVID because it was a hoax.
And even when it was explained to you, rather than say something like, "Oh. My bad. Didn't know that" you've been detracting, blaming others, doing everything you can to try to defend the fact you shot your mouth off like a complete idiot because you had no clue what the hell you were talking about.
And even when it was explained to you, rather than say something like, "Oh. My bad. Didn't know that" you've been detracting, blaming others, doing everything you can to try to defend the fact you shot your mouth off like a complete idiot because you had no clue what the hell you were talking about.
Blaming him again. That's all you do, blame others for your own ignorance. Again, everybody else knew exactly what he meant because we had been commenting on that since fucking JULY!
But do continue to blame everybody else for your own stupidity. I await your next shit-post with bated breath.
No, it wasn't last word whore, because you came right back with this:
Blaming him again. That's all you do, blame others for your own ignorance. Again, everybody else knew exactly what he meant because we had been commenting on that since fucking JULY!
But do continue to blame everybody else for your own stupidity. I await your next shit-post with bated breath.
Taco is well known for his passion, angrily defending his statements and being wrong.
I saw earlier that you missed the sarcasm but figured it wasn't worth replying to. Topcat took it with his usual good humor. We all make that mistake now and then.
Right wing cucks are now saying women go into nursing careers to have power over men, it's embarrassing that these tiny dicked snowflakes speak for real men.
Right wing cucks are now saying women go into nursing careers to have power over men, it's embarrassing that these tiny dicked snowflakes speak for real men.
I've had some great nurses in all my times in the hospital. Only one bad one.
The one I remember most though was a guy named Jose. He was a real stocky, Hispanic fellow that would come in every couple of hours and rearrange me till I got comfortable.
This was after my first big cancer surgery where I lost my left kidney, a couple ribs, part of my pancreas, etc., so I could only lay on my right side. So he'd move me around until I said "that's good" then he and the female nurse that was with him would cram pillows all around me to try to keep me there.
They did this countless times per day. I'm sure at some point they went home, but it sure seemed to me that they were always there.