Congressman Jared Polis Questions DEA About Marijuana Policy


Well-Known Member
Saw this video today and didnt even get half way through it before i had to post it here...Im so proud of this guy, its nice to see someone sticking up for the MMJ patients



Well-Known Member
Im loooking over some other videos of Mr. polis and am very impressed by him over and over in each video.

chef c

Well-Known Member
She looks like the preverbal "deer in headlights"... Great vid man. How stupid they look when confronted...


Well-Known Member
Jared Polis is the shit i recall watching another video a while back were he basically went to town on some other lady or guy dont remember


Well-Known Member
I'm proud to say that Jared is my elected representative. He is one of the few who understands...


Well-Known Member
It would be nice to see more elected officials taking a stand on this issue. It is silly to me that marijuana is illegal while alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs are legal. Our society is very forgiving about alcohol use and very unforgiving about marijuana usage. I find it annoying when I listen to my coworkers discuss how much they drank the night before or plan to go out and drink and think nothing of it. I don't drink and would much rather smoke, but I currently do not as I am looking for a good job, better than the one I have, and most jobs of this sort will drug test me so I choose not to indulge and avoid hassles. However I would love to be able to go home and just get high while I watch TV or play some computer games but if I mention this I could lose my current job. It annoys me to know that society would look down on me and it could actually harm me economically as well as socially for doing essentially the same thing, using a substance for personal enjoyment.

If prescription drugs are being abused, then perhaps society should criminalize them more and reschedule these drugs like marijuana? I mean if marijuana has no medicinal value, as the DEA scheduling suggests, then what is the point of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Caffeine? These are all drugs that are abused daily by many people and society knows this. There is no real medical usage for caffeine. People use it to treat headaches, but couldn't Tylenol do the same thing? And what about alcohol? I can't see the medical usage there other than for sterilization, but I am sure bleach and other chemicals could do the same thing without the risk of people getting drunk or high on a substance. And I've not heard any doctors recommend taking up smoking tobacco to treat an ailment or for your health. My theory is that if we are going to wage a war on drugs, then lets do it. People are getting drunk or high on hand sanitizer, bath salts, whip cream cans, spray paint, and tobacco. These things should be treated just the same as marijuana if society is truly concerned about the social ills of drugs.

I have said many times that it was not marijuana which was a gateway drug for me. I believe it to be coffee and caffeine. I used to spend countless hours at all night restaurants with friends who smoked cirarettes and drank coffee. I would drink my share of coffee and then one night I decided to try smoking cigarettes, and from there it became much easier to justify trying marijuana. If I am smoking one plant, then why not try another? But I don't think the government or the DEA or many will see the logic in looking at these drugs this way and we will continue turning a blind eye towards those ills while ignoring our own hypocrisy.


I'm not a fan of some of Polis's other stance,(it's not a D or R thing, I'm I, so both parties are equally absurd/brilliant at times to me) but honestly, is there a politician we can say we agree with 100%? I honestly hope not.. if so, cut back a bit. In this instance he is brilliant! I can't agree more with you Toorop, it is sickening to hear co-workers and friends celebrate their drunken antics. As a former EMT I cannot hide my disgust with prescription drugs and alcohol. I have seen way too much death and destruction wrought by these two to think otherwise. I have never had to scrape someone off of a highway because they smoked too much, I have never had to take a call at a party because someone was pickling their insides and near death due to THC poisoning, or had to wait for a firefighter to break a door down because some teenager raided their parents stash in the medicine cabinet, and was dying on the bathroom rug. NEVER.


Well-Known Member
I get what your saying Hook, but I watched a couple other of his videos and he was talking about how much money the government was spending on the military and shit like that also and how he would love to see some of the military spending go down too. You are right when you say you arent always gonna agree with someone all the time but just on the couple of examples I saw of Polis I really liked what he was fighting for.


And that's where he kind of falls into the Brilliant/absurd pocket for me. I agree with cutting some military spending to save money, but I don't agree with basically diverting those funds that were cut in the name of saving money over to keeping people dependent upon the government either, and that's some of what he's about. The other side of the aisle does this same game but in reverse. Oh well, politicians are politicians, but in this case I'll take any well spoken and well meaning help in the fight to legalize the green I can get. We've a lot of work to do, and we could use the help to over come some shitty P.R., and asinine stereo-types that are true albatrosses around the neck of our cause for freedom.