Conjoined Air Root Cloning & Multiple Root Site Thread

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
I got the rooter pots and they are quite large... For a Main Stem, say if you were going to top it anyway... it may be perfect.

Compared to standard environmentally friendly styrofoam cup.


That side branch is one I previously experimented with, and had not yet grown roots. I screwed with it some more.. re-scarred, re-clonex'ed and installed rooter pot.. it started to wilt [too much stress and re-fuckulating I reckon] so I clipped it off, and will see if it roots. Soon, I will install one of these monsters on one of my plants.

***dont whine like a bitch about the styrofoam cup... styrofoam takes less energy and resources to make compared to petrochemical coated paper.. hence the environmentally friendly choice!! my hardcore right wing source for that factiod is the HARVARD Lunchroom. Hopefully weed growers rocking coal fired electric lighting, and anti-Gore CO2 enrichment systems don't go all green police on me for one stryo cup....


Well-Known Member
Styrofoam cups keep your soda cold and your coffee hot too! To bad nobody serves either in them in styrofoam cups any more. Keep up the cool experiments.


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight. the only point of this is to reduce the number of "plants" you have in your room for legality reasons? This technique seems difficult and outlandish for minor benefit. Maybe thats why the interest is minute? As if the A.L.E. is coming into MMJ cardholders houses with guns and counting peoples plants and shit. IT aint happening.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
so let me get this straight. the only point of this is to reduce the number of "plants" you have in your room for legality reasons? This technique seems difficult and outlandish for minor benefit. Maybe thats why the interest is minute? .
It is a technique for cloning. Not necessarily better, worse or more technical. Plant count is just a side effect worth noting. And there is nothing particularly new about the technique, the "regular" plant growers have been doing it for years.

The benefit is that you do not chop off the branch until a root system is established. It may be the BEST way to clone larger branches... those that are big enough for the rooter pot.. like a main stem that is going to be topped anyway. If roots dont take, the wound heals and if you dont screw with that section of wounded branch again [like i did] you still get to keep that branch. For people that have managed to chop up a plant and have low to zero success with the clones... this technique would obviously be appealing.

So far the techniques I tried were not the best, and I had difficulty keeping the site and planting media moist.

The whole point of this thread is for people to try it, and report back what worked and what didnt and share that info.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
I checked on one of my plants, and the MRS thang is taking effect. Its a rhizome a' deuce!!! There are roots. I unwrapped it from the rooter cube it was in, re-planted it ... and I aint looking again until after its harvested. No pics. Its not like you haven't seen what roots like. The stem above ground is kinda fat, and bulged out like... which may be an indicator that tells you its rooting, without having to dig it up, look at it and otherwise screw with it.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Update.... The rooter pot would work much better on a main stem that is fairly woody. Filled with moist soil... it weighs about a lb. I supported it as best I could. After a couple weeks, I opened it up to look for roots. The spot where I injured the stem, has jerked around, twisted and so forth and was about to separate.... So I clipped it off. There were serious bumps where roots will grow eventually... so i rep-potted it in an airpot. It is still alive, and not too droopy after 1 week. So it will hopefully live.

The multiple roots... All these sites have roots. The one that is swelled up and fat, has more root action.


IF anyone else watching this thread has experiments, and techniques to share ... feel free to chime in and show us what you have going.


Active Member
Has anyone tried to do this MRS technique into another pot? or grow the MRS hydroponically while keeping the main roots in soil?


Active Member
yes those airpots are the shit.... they work even better outdoors....
but what about some doing this trial??>> a low and wide huge tupperware container with the inside lined with airpot material then soil would go in with about two plants per tupperware.?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
MRS and Air Root Propagation are both inter-related and conjoined topics.

:? Quite frankly, I am surprised to see little discussion of MRS, and Air Root cloning. I would like to discuss, see pictures of the supposed techniques in real life, hear anecdotal evidence... and of course, more discussion.

::: Air-Root Cloning PRO's :::

>>>No special equipment. The Mother plant IS your clone machine.

>>>You don't cut the A.R.C. off until you see root action. If your going for a 3rd week of flowering Monster Crop Clone... you cut it off exactly then.

>>>Did I mention, that you don't sever the clone from the Mother until there is a root system??? SO... if the ARC doesn't take, and simply heals up... you still have that branch.

>>>IF your counting plants, trying to only have 6 or whatever... That Mother plant with half a dozen air root clones in progress is ONE plant, with 6 attached potential clones. Rather than 1 plant and 6 separate clones. When you put the Mother into flower, you separate a clone and put the clone into Vegetative. What to do with extra air root sites??? Bend them over, and bury them for some MRS action.

:bigjoint:ARC makes good sense to me. I am experimenting with peppers & tomato's right now. Once I like those results, I will try it "for real".

::::: Multiple Root Sites... MRS ::::::

The discusion on this has been very limited, recently the "Double End Dildo Technique" ....

There are other nicknames to characterize this with... MAD, MAT, QAT.... Menage A' Duece, Menage A' Trios, Menage A' Quad... OR RAD, RAT, RAQ.. Rhizome A' Duece, Rhizome A' Trios, Rhizome A' Quad. And obviously if you have 5 rooting sites on the same plant its a "Sinco de Rhizo"

My experiment currently involves a split open lengthways "Root Riot" cube, rooting powder & paint brush, velcro plant tie, and aluminum foil.

My technique... Lightly scrape / cut away the "bark" layer on a stem, about 1/2 inch.. Apply rooting powder/gel with paint brush, wrap root riot cub around wound, velcro the cube, wrap the whole thing in foil.

The technique I plan to evolve to is doing TWO Air Root sites, about 1/2" apart. The one with a tip gets clipped, and the other one gets bent over and planted for an MRS site.
They root in the wild while the branch is still attached to the mom. They send out ground level(vine like) runners to do this.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on trying the MRS thing on an outdoor plant. I have a bagseed plant I've been beating up for 2 months now- topping/lst/suppercropping- she measures about 8" wide by 6" tall with 7 tops,and a thick ass main stem- kinda bonsai. I'm going to put her out in appx 3weeks, let her veg for 2-3 weeks then pick the weakest top to root- I think it might be more beneficial to an outdoor plant,especially one that can't be visited frequently. We'll see what happens and I'll be posting updates.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
This technique is used in bonsai all the time to create nebari and ishitsuki with the lowest branches or to start a bonsai with a full sized bush with a long trunk, split a pot in half, scarify the trunk just below the foliage level, treat with cloning gel, tape the pot over the trunk and fill with medium of choice, 2-3 weeks later you cut the trunk under the pot and repot, creating a very squat bush that can be cut back to create perspective. I've used mrs and air layering with mj and many other species with success, the secret is taking off just enough around the trunk, don't go too deep but make it as long as possibe, find a very small pot or plastic container- i use small sauce or dip storers wrapped in tape to lightproof- with a small grodan cube soaked in aps, i water with a dropper about 3mls every 3-4 days with aps. Takes anywhere between 7-20 days so cloning can be faster depending on vigour of strain and nutes used, i found feeding mom with rhizotonic during the process help a lot. One thing i will say is the root systems off the air layered clones are much larger than traditional clones and done correctly they never go through much shock or stop growing. I use about 70% nute strength with up to 4 mrs sites, less the more sites you have, true they take up more with mrs but they grow like mad so they need it to, i water to runoff and flush if the ph or ppm of my runoff shows trouble and haven't had any lockout yet. Keep it up man, once you get the technique down it becomes a much easier way to clone, no seperate areas, lights etc


Active Member
Styrofoam cups keep your soda cold and your coffee hot too! To bad nobody serves either in them in styrofoam cups any more. Keep up the cool experiments.
I built a 6200 sq. ft home out of Styrofoam and concrete blocks! The Amvic block system. All open cell spray foam min. 5.5" deep. Average electric bill over 4 years was $178 per month... Total electric home with the thermostat on 68 24/7. Styrofoam rocks! Livin in the south even!