Connect Needed


stays relevant.
This is not the type of place you are looking for. Rollitup is a website for people looking to share advice or exchange information or plants pictures. This website is not here to serve you a dealer.

Please do not post threads like this on our forum again...


I need a connect will to work with me in Florida. I'll provide an e-mail to discuss.
I could be wrong, but I believe the admins of this site frown upon trying to make real world connections through RIU. They've actually warned me about this before. Just lettin' you know.

Happy smokin!


stays relevant.
close and delete?
Why would I need to close it if I'm deleting it?

I'm personally keeping this thread open because the user has been banned and it clearly serves as proof of the consequences of posting this type of thread. :)

If another staff member would like to close or delete this, then it's up to them- but I don't think it necessarily calls for being closed.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes theres that childishness i expected could'nt just sorry i made a mistake no fuck yall thats the best you can do!


Well-Known Member
thats like the 50th member I saw trying to get a connect... just grow people!