Hmm, I was wondering. Why all the talk of 24/0, 18/6 hours of lighting when, during the summer on average the absolute maximum amount of light is only 14 hours. For instance in July sunrise is usually around 6:20 and sunset at 8:20. why would you add more light than 14 hours? I understand the 12/12 philosophy because in September the average amount of light is 12 hours and that signals flowering. That absolutely makes sense, but for veg why so much light? Why not 15 or 16 hours instead?
Another thing I was thinking: It seems to me everyone is forgetting about the amount of time in nature they are spending in darkness. If in the summer outdoors they are getting 14 hours of light max, then they are getting 10 hours of darkness. I think people are overlooking what might be happening in that lengthy period of dark that could be playing some roll in the plant's development.