Connoisseur Genetics: 3x Chem Dead Head


Well-Known Member
I just harvested alot of mine, found alot of herms in it, gotta finish cutting the rest tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I still have another 15 flowering out finishing in 30days; I did find some Hermes there but I plucked alot of the sacks out. Was only on parts of the plants but they're looking real good. Still planning on having a couple keepers
Keep us posted!!! Some of the best strains come from Hermies!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey wondering where you picked the seeds up from , throw up some flower pics so we can check yours out
one infront is gelato.og; and I got them directly through you with email; think one of the plants in the front pollinated alot around the table so I did find seeds here and there; then the other ones finishing in a month I made sure to snip any balls I found on the plants, but they're growing real nice



Well-Known Member
I'm talking pics of these so called hermies

Like I said I've sold hundreds of packs with no issues.

Casey Jones throws late sterile Bananas around week 8 that never make seed so if you got seeds I'd look for another hermi in your room

Take close up pics of these hermies on the Dead Chem Head so I can see
ive already cut them all down, but they definitely began with a deadchemshead, because thats all that was on my table besdies one of my main clones that doesnt herm