No, I can see you don't get it and what you are saying is just not true.
The Gavita pro-line uses 400V electronic lamps made by philips, and for the 600W system even the GreenVision electronics by philips. They are called GreenPower Plus EL lamps. Philips has a lot of greenpower lamps, they are just NOT suitable for electronic ballasts: Only the single ended 400V 600W EL and the double ended 400V 1000W EL are suitable for high frequency electronic gear. Other lamps are not suitable for these electronics nor any of the other Philips lamps.
They run on frequencies exceeding 100 kHz which is why we recommend to use them in complete fixtures instead of remote ballasts.
Please read a little about the technology and output before you make comments. We (and philips) do not recommend to use the 1000W DE lamp in an air cooled reflector, as that will not keep the lamp temperature high enough which will cause light losses. With earlier models actually the burners had to be actually heated with little reflectors in some open fixtures to perform at 100%.
The Son-T Agro is (was) a HPS lamp which has added blue light. It has never been very successful because it isn't very efficient compared to the new generation lamps. The GreenPower range followed. Philips keeps increasing the output of her professional lamps. 2 years ago the 100W DE were guaranteed at 1850 umol, the new plus model does
2100 umol nowadays (compare: Hortilux 1000W HPS <1800 and this is a really good lamp).
i would have added the leaflet but the forum does not allow me to add pdfs, so please look for it
The shown fixture in this topic is a standard Gavita HortiStar bracket, where they (the shop, not Gavita) took off the reflector and rotated the connection box 180 degrees to get the cord out on top probably, and mount it inside an excisting reflector. This is a potential problem. The connection box is supposed to be on the
outside of the reflector, not
in it. This can lead to a too high temperature of the connection leads in there. We wire the fixture with special heat resistant wire to a cool place outside the reflector: the connection box. Placing this connection box inside a very hot reflector is a serious risk. Of course any modified reflector like this is no longer UL recognized anymore (nor would it ever pass the test) and shouldn't even be sold. Obvious we offer no warranty on any part of this fixture and we do not recommend using it. Safety is not something you should take lightly.
As said, when cooled you lose up to 20% of light from the lamp only, not even taking into account the glass filter or reflector. It's just a bad idea. We tried it, doesn't work. It would be about as efficient (or even a bit less) than a Hortilux 1000W instead of 15% more efficient.
For Sunlight Supply we built a 1000W DE in one of their air cooled reflectors. It did not work so it will never see the market with a double ended lamp or we would have made it already, believe me