Conspiracy theories and Americans

Americans love conspiracy theories because America is home to some conspiring motherfuckers.

We've been lied to about pretty much everything going back to I don't know when, and since the advent of the "innernetz", we're slowly learning exactly how fucking much we've been lied to, and it's pissing us off.

So, yeah, we aren't as trusting / naive as we once were.
Before I answer, you all have to prove that you are not lizard people from Andromeda.

HAHAHAHA your missing a bunch that is only 2 and u are not accounting for subclasses and broken off factions

if u know the truth it is best kept to yourself and expressed to your friends while both of u are shitty ass drunk/stoned of some killer shit to boot ..............this way it sinks in somewhat but u are less of a nutter
Here's one theory... In America, we no longer care for our schizophrenics. Mostly we just put them in the basement with an internet connection (or let them wander the street and hang out in public libraries on the internet). I think that this accounts for a large chunk of the conspiracy websites. Often we leave guns around them too in case they get called upon to serve in the militia.

We're jingoistic. We're suspicious. We're provincial. We're not very good at teaching, learning or using logic. Add to that the fact that our government has behaved .... Uh, badly for most of our history and you end up where we are.

Oh, and yes, I personally swabbed the WTC for C4. Negative. Smelled like diesel though.

Edit: (my GD tablet is all of a sudden capitalizing the Internet. Since when? I suspect a government/corporate plot)
So, yeah, we aren't as trusting / naive as we once were.

Those are two different things. I think we are in many ways more naive than ever. All I need to do to demonstrate this is review the Fox News ratings. Americans have never been the most trusting people in any age.

Here's another theory... 9/11 sucked pretty hard and we are suffering from a National case of PTSD. Kind of like post Pearl Harbor. It's going to take us a while to work this shit out.