Master of Mayhem
And that doesn't mean flying like a bird.

And that doesn't mean flying like a bird.
Skunk- There is a saying I use about this kind of thingThis is actually the only conspiracy I believe in. I'm not saying that what happened didn't happen. I know that in all likelyhood everything happened as they said it did. What I'm saying is that 'they' allowed it to happen. They may have even set it up.
Think about it, terrorists are notoriously hard to catch. A clever country would set up it's own terrorist organisation. Maybe a big country could organise and run the biggest terror group in the world. This is how we know their every move, land on them whenever we want to. We run the show.
Our Governments use fear to control us. Make us believe that harsher security measures are needed. We live in a virtual police state at the moment, yet everyone is so scared that they're blinded to what is really going on. CONTROL.
This is also why they're coming down hard on cannabis in my country at the moment. Smoking weed frees the mind, our minds are harder to close down.
Don't let them win. The New World Order is where the majority of mankind become robots.
...yeah because theres many more people like yourself who believe the "loose change" videos of EVERY single major event known to man.There is a "Screw Loose Change" for EVERY single conspiracy theory out there. All YOU need is a little common sense to tell you it was an inside job.
So they could go to war with Iraq. It gives a precedent to invade countries that are "harboring terrorists"Why in the world would our own government blow up two major icons of the US? Why would they want to harm our enconomy? why kill hundreds and thousands of civilians and government employees?
Why do you even live in this country?
The americans set it up themselves just like I always imagined they did. I just didn't know the exact reason why... I knew it was about control... I just didn't understand exactly why or who was behind it. I had read of the New World Order before. The bankers rule the world... governments are merely there to make us feel better.. help with the day to day running of the country.So they could go to war with Iraq. It gives a precedent to invade countries that are "harboring terrorists"
I live here because I was born here.
You know it's funny....we can pinpoint 1 single cow out of a couple million that has Mad Cow Disease and quarantine it....but we cannot find a terrorist that lives in caves...give me a fucking break.
Because they don't give a shit about us. They did it for money and power. The people invovled with this made a shit load of money off of 9/11 and the war on terror. And it gave Bush a reason to scare ppl and gain control through that fear. As soon as 9/11 happened the constitution went out the window. The 'patriot act' is admittedly unconstituional and in no other time in American history would it have been passed but 'these are different times we're living in post 9/11'. Bush has the most power of any president in our history, which is pretty scary. He and the people in charge were able to accomplish all their goals through this event. A better question to ask is why wouldn't they blow up the twin towers and kill hundreds of thousands of ppl? What's a couple hundred thousand lives to these motherfuckers? When there is so much to be gained. A real 'idiot' is someone who blindly follows the government and believes what they tell them without questioning it.Why in the world would our own government blow up two major icons of the US? Why would they want to harm our enconomy? why kill hundreds and thousands of civilians and government employees?
I didn't watch the film. I may this weekend if I have I time. One question tho: how does screw loose change explain the fake phone calls from the planes b4 they hit. It was scientifically proven that they had to be fake. From the altitude that the calls were made the success rate of such calls is <.l percent. Less than .1 Percent! R u telling me all those ppl were able to make calls with the chances of just one getting thru being at <.1%. That's pretty hard to believe. And if you've ever actually heard the phone calls you can tell they're completely bogus. They sound fake as hell.haha, this is for all of you loose change fanatics.. you know that video with a bunch of bullshit missleading facts? have yourselves a look
Screw Loose Change
Hey Skunk what is this Zeitgeist movie? This kind of shit is interesting to me. Is there anywhere I can watch it on-line?The americans set it up themselves just like I always imagined they did. I just didn't know the exact reason why... I knew it was about control... I just didn't understand exactly why or who was behind it. I had read of the New World Order before. The bankers rule the world... governments are merely there to make us feel better.. help with the day to day running of the country.
They do not care about us, or our families. They use doctors to experiment needless medicines on us just so they can line their pockets even further. This world is dying... and rather than do something about it they choose to suffocate it even further. Then they convince the masses that there is no such thing as this or that. Create confusion, mass panic... just so they can keep us where they want us.
We have in our countries, because we take it from others. All that oil in africa, gold... yet people are starving by their millions. While we, that have nothing as highly valuable (at least not in such quantity) live in comfort. We actually have the chance to feel sorry for ourselves... yet very few of us has ever known any real hardships.
I have mentioned this before too, the word revolution. It was mentioned in the film Zeitgeist too... right at the end. I don't believe this revolution will or even can be a physical one... it would have to be a mass movement of consciousness. We must all turn off our t.v's. You're not going to learn anything from the news, only what they want you to believe.
The way I see it, the media and the police are their biggest weapons. In every revolution in history the army has fought for the people. Soldiers are trained to defend us, whereas police are trained to throw us in jail. It's a different mind set... which is why all police are scum. They're like the proverbial crackhead that steals from his own mother. The police will try to stop us... but they cannot fight against a shifted mind set.
The whole world needs to realise the truth at the same time. The only real way to do this would be to use their own weapon against them, the media.
Yes... I watched it on ssupload.comHey Skunk what is this Zeitgeist movie? This kind of shit is interesting to me. Is there anywhere I can watch it on-line?
I'm DEFINATELY checking this out tonight....sounds very interesting. How ya been Skunk...long time no chatYes... I watched it on
I think I may have been told about the movie before but I tend to ignore peoples links. The other night i was bored, and came across it on that site. I've watched all the best movies already... so I put it on.
It goes through everything, from religion right through to the bankers. Ties in everything I'd already figured out for myself, so I know its the truth. It's around 2 hours long though... but I couldn't leave my seat.btw its a documentary.
Actually the Constitution went out the window when the UN was formed after WW2 and the US signed the treaty to enter. I don't remember the exact clause that states it (damn side effects) but it supercedes ANY pre-written documents by any government that is a member.As soon as 9/11 happened the constitution went out the window.
The people invovled with this made a shit load of money off of 9/11 and the war on terror.
All is well here for me tooDoing great, thankyou for asking. I hope you're well too.
The documentary is well worth checking out. I'm surprised you haven't watched it already, ernie.