Conspiracy Theories

I never before fully realised the depths of their control... I read 1984, a brave new world... as I was searching for answers to things I didn't even have questions for. Also, my pagan upbringing actually taught me that all god worship stemmed from the sun... and this is the beginning of control. As soon as worship moved from something we can see to something we can't, like chinese whispers religion evolved to control mankind. Now this belief system is RAPIDLY dying, they need a new weapon to control us, a new fear. They must keep us in fear.
but beyond posting blogs on the internet about it, what are we doing. Nothing. If there were more people in my area, I wish there were, But I feel like this day and age, people are so wrapped up in me me me, it's hard for them to step outside themselves and see things for what they are.

Group meeting outside the church on third street 8pm sunday.
I have seen loose change, zieitgeist(religion part very true) and examined all the claims made by these theroies.....but I have also watched and read the rebuttals to these claims made by many...such as pop mechanics, if I can remember they devoted an entire magazine to examing these claims and going through them with a fine tooth comb to see if these clams hold up to detailed research and evidence. They interviewd many independent experts (not just government expert) in such fields such as enginerring, metallugy, controlled demolitions, aircraft. They absolutly refuted all the claims made by the insidejob theroists with detailed explanations and citataions. But I can understand your distrust of the government and the Bush adminastration because i defintly believe and plenty of evidence shows the Bush adminastration used the attacks of 911 as an excuse to go to war in iraq...ex.the whole WMD bullshit and trying to link saddam with Al Qaeda [ not true at all Saddam was a secular dictator who didn't trust Islamic extremists and in fact Osama offered himself and his Mujahadeen (4,000 fighters) to the Saudi government to fight and repel saddam from attacking Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which was joke because Osama would have got rolled over by the iraqi military in a tradational engagement] I degress like said before your distrust of the government is warranted but you must also look at the rebuttals made against your claims and determine which one is more creditable by using using reason and your rational judgement. I know conspiciy theroies are sexy and great to debate when your smokin on a fat blunt, but to find truth in anything you must dig deep and examine all the evidence for and against your claims. I challenge you to challenge all your ideas with and independent and empirical mind
I have seen loose change
I heard Dylan Avery on a clip from a radio show. There was an 11 or 12 year old kid on one of the planes, and his father worked for the Pentagon. I believe Avery suggested the guy was part of the conspiracy in some way, and then it came up that he would know his son would die on the plane. Avery didn't really want to get into that territory, because even though he believes it he doesn't want to suggest such a thing on air. But that is what an asshole some of these people are, they think this guy would sacrifice his son for the grand conspiracy. It's not like he could just have his son not get on the flight, but I guess Avery didn't think about that.

I also saw video of James Fetzer speaking at some 9/11 symposium. He is discussing how the calls made from planes were faked. This guy had called his family and talked to someone, then his mom came on and he said "Mom, it's (his first and last name)". He and the audience thought it was oh-so funny that the fools faking the calls had accidentally said his first and last name. They got a hearty laugh out of this man's last words with his mother before he died.

But, that's the kind of people we are dealing with.
Look guys....I'm not saying that 2 planes did not hit the towers, nor am I saying that people on those planes didn't die. But the bottom line is that the government set up all the events that happened on 9/11/01. Now with my new findings on "The North American Union" makes even MORE sense.
yea sucidesamurai you notice in the first edition of loosechange the make that argument that it was impossible for anybody to make cell phone calls from a plane and that those calls must have been faked (like a mother or spouse cant tell there own childs voice or spouses voices) it it turns out you can definetly make cell phone calls from such a hieght and it must also must noted that alot of the calls were made from the back of the seat phones on the the second edition they edited this accusation point is if the theroists can't even do the research in the first place to find out if you can make calls from a plane... you know they didn't do any kind of investigating in the first place for all the rest of there claims....they make accusations with out any research or evidence
So wtf you whinging about

That's exactly what I do.

I don't care if YOU think me an ass. Who the fuck are you?

Conspiracy theorists are complete morons. Needing to make shit up because they can't accept just how fucking GREAT mankind really is. We need to concentrate our efforts. All this bullshit does is give us something intangible to think about. Stops us realising our true aims.

This may be old. Or already responded to. Or whatever, I was just going through and got to it, realizing there's a shiton more pages here. I just wanted to say:

Dude, people don't believe because if they believe unquestioningly it opens the door to be manipulated the fuck out of. So it's necessary to notice discreptencies. Although i do agree that most of them are complete BULL. However, you have to give credit where it's due and people (mainly those in charge...motherfuckers...) need to realize when they're lying and fucking admit it.

And to anyone who might say that a level of lying is necessary to maintain social order...fuck you. I'm just oging to be more pissed off when i learn i was being lied to, not going to be like "Oh, i understand, it was necessary." Fuck man, that's why there're revolutions all the time. cause people lie, manipulate, and fuck people over for their own gains all the time. Just stop man, be honest. Seriously, if everyone helped everyone rather than fucked everyone, we'd make much more progress.
Your probably right Skunk. I think 'lil Bush is too stupid to help mastermind something like that. He is just a puppet for the powers that be.

YouTube - Proof of NWO from George Bush SR

No way was it Bush. Puppet leaders are installed all the time.

And i'm going to relate this quickly to JFK...when he didn't want to start a war with Russia he got killed. Expected puppet? Perhaps. The whole case about his death is cock-full of holes. The Magic Bullet? Simple physics? Discreptencies about the autopsy? Moving him to DC for an autopsy, which is not standard procedure at all?

Our government tries to fool people, but the Zapruder film they didn't account for. They figured they'd be able to disprove the people who were there, that's a tiny percent of the population. However, they coudln't deny the film when one of our basic rights and principles of the country is free speech and press. That film was legit evidence, and they couldn't fuck around with that without losing all the people and things they were controlling in the first place. So, they come up with BS, silence those who say otherwise, blame it on the mob, and get the fuck out.
Did the bullet that killed JFK come from behind him or the front, side ect...I don't know? how many shot were fired?
yea sucidesamurai you notice in the first edition of loosechange the make that argument that it was impossible for anybody to make cell phone calls from a plane and that those calls must have been faked (like a mother or spouse cant tell there own childs voice or spouses voices) it it turns out you can definetly make cell phone calls from such a hieght and it must also must noted that alot of the calls were made from the back of the seat phones on the the second edition they edited this accusation point is if the theroists can't even do the research in the first place to find out if you can make calls from a plane... you know they didn't do any kind of investigating in the first place for all the rest of there claims....they make accusations with out any research or evidence
They say they are just putting the theories out there and people can decide for themselves. But really they are just too stupid and lazy to verify their "facts", and don't really care what is true and what isn't. They think Bush did it, but it doesn't really matter how.
No way was it Bush. Puppet leaders are installed all the time.

And i'm going to relate this quickly to JFK...when he didn't want to start a war with Russia he got killed. Expected puppet? Perhaps. The whole case about his death is cock-full of holes. The Magic Bullet? Simple physics? Discreptencies about the autopsy? Moving him to DC for an autopsy, which is not standard procedure at all?

Our government tries to fool people, but the Zapruder film they didn't account for. They figured they'd be able to disprove the people who were there, that's a tiny percent of the population. However, they coudln't deny the film when one of our basic rights and principles of the country is free speech and press. That film was legit evidence, and they couldn't fuck around with that without losing all the people and things they were controlling in the first place. So, they come up with BS, silence those who say otherwise, blame it on the mob, and get the fuck out.
Of course any conspiracy to kill the president while he is driving in a car with thousands of people around is going to expect there to be films. There are known to be dozens of homemade films from that day.

And if they took out JFK because he didn't want war with Russia, why didn't we later have a war with Russia if that was their intent? They could just install a puppet President and get the war they wanted, right?
Some very good points made on this thread....very interesting.

Just a quick comment - I don't think lying to the people is ever good by our leaders. The people should not only demand but enforce that our leaders (domestic and international) lead with integrity.

To lie to the people to maintain social order is offensive and should not be tolerated by the people. They lie and admit they lied and we never hold them accountable for it.
They lie and admit they lied and we never hold them accountable for it.

This is what I meant by that old post... there is only one lie. All the rest is bullshit they throw in to keep us talking. We talk, but most people are afraid to fight back.

Whenever you have control of something, if you push it too far then things can go wrong. Control (in this instance) is about keeping the people passive, contented. Yet, there is no content in this world because we try to find it through money rather than emotion. We believe that contentment is money, so we strive to make as much of it as we can, all the time dampening down our empathy.

We see news reports of starving kids in africa and we think we can help with giving money, which is usually stolen by the government of the country anyway... but we don't really care. We don't care because we need to think about the next ten minutes and how much money we can make to replace what we just gave.

I honestly believe that we could stop all the bullshit with one giant stand. Where everyone of us just stopped running, came out of our hiding places and stood our ground. WTF could they do?
Of course any conspiracy to kill the president while he is driving in a car with thousands of people around is going to expect there to be films. There are known to be dozens of homemade films from that day.

And if they took out JFK because he didn't want war with Russia, why didn't we later have a war with Russia if that was their intent? They could just install a puppet President and get the war they wanted, right?

I dunno i'm just sayin. But anyways, they have to follow the rules, so the VP gets sworn in. Maybe he doesn't want to either, and two presidential assassinations in a short time period is really really really sketch. It's all speculation till the file gets released (which for some reason it's not? explain this to me, someone please? i still don't understand how that's legal)
Our childrens vaccines and immunizations carry technology developed by unkown teachers from far away to change our dna makeup. Ask a freemason... I mean a politician... I mean our world leaders... I mean the illuminati... I mean look in the dead sea scrolls... I mean research "sumarians"....................................................................:cry: