Constellationt of the fluorescent tubes

good day dear fellows

i thought about the best arrangement of the light tubes to get the maximum out of two plants in a growbox and came to this scheme


it shows my planned box from above during the time of blooming.

the red dots are light tubes 3000kelvin, 55watt, 4800lumen, hanging from above parallel to the plants stem
the blue line is a light tube 6500kelvin, 55watt, 4500lumen, hanging above the two plants

the tubes are 60cm long

flourescent light is most effective at short distance, am i right? so with this constellation NO SIDE of the plants LIES IN SHADOWS but having a LIGHT SOURCE RIGHT NEXT TO IT all the way down to the stem :P

the six lamps guarantee nearly 30.000 lumen with 330watt in an area of 1m³

in the vegetation period i will use two of the blue lights. ventilation etc is no problem

would this work out nicely? did i miss something?

happy about every comment :D


Well-Known Member
Intersting. maybe flip the blue light for uvb and you are going to have to veg the plants tall and skinny.
"A researcher conducted a controlled experiment in a greenhouse. He lit a group of high potency plants similarly except with the addition of UVB light to some groups. He found that the percentage of THC increased in a direct ratio with the increase in UVB light. This research confirms the adage that high altitude plants are more potent than those grown at low altitudes.

If you look at old-world land races of cannabis, plants that have become adapted to the climate and latitude, the ratio of THC to CBD starts at 100 : 1 at the equator. At the 30th parallel (The Hindu-Kush Valley) the plants have a ratio of 50 : 50. At the 45th parallel the ratio is near 1 : 100. This corresponds roughly with the amount of UVB light received at these latitudes. There is much more UVB at the equator than the 45th parallel.

How can you get more UVB light to your plants? Certainly it's true that MH lamps emit more UVB light than HPS lamps. Still the amount that MH lamps emit is small. In fact, many manufacturers use UVB shielding glass to filter out most of the UVB that's produced. The UVB light the plant receives from an MH lamp does increasech emit about 10% UVB, and tanning lamps."

is this true?
never thought about uvb-light for my plants. how does it affect the plants? do they grow more in the height?
because this would be perfect in this box in order to the constellation of the light sources...until now i thought i could reach grow in the height with the tubes with 6500kelvin


Well-Known Member
Reptile shops for uvb tubes. Use them as a supplement in mid-late flower.
It doesn't really affect anything apart from THC.
well good question indeed...

probably the box will become bigger than 1m³. i hope 2 plants with the tubes in the constellation like shown above fits in an area of 1m².
the heights box would then be around 1,20m-1,30m.

but the plants should not get bigger than 80cm

i calculate with 2 plants with 50gram each per yield. is this realistic? at least i have over 300watt and nearly 30.000lumen


Well-Known Member
I ran a grow with plants under 6 of the 4 foot tubes, and they grew nice. The yield was not what I was hoping for. They seemed healthy, I always figured not enough light. I kept them as close as possible to the lights, but once they had fan leaves, and branches there wasn't much penetration.

Not trying to shoot you down I like the idea of the side lighting. One thought was perhaps use coiled cfls over the top, built into a "fixture". I made such a fixture in my journal in the first couple pages. I use 2 of them to light my clones and mothers. It has allowed me to get 5-9 25w cfls into a space about 2-2.5' x 2', I made a little hood for them out off cardboard, and they have been running for years with no problems.(lol knock on wood). Anyway that would allow you to greatly increase the amount of light for your whole area, and then the hanging tubes would provide good side lighting. Figure the tubes are prolly 55 watts? so you could replace the one overhead tube of 55 watts with as much as 225 watts with a "fixture" of coil cfls.

Just a thought hope it helps.

Peace TC