contaminated weed


Active Member
now know as gritweed see youtube ,here in ireland we get most of our stuff from the uk.or grow your own or know somebody who does grow.
in the last year it was discovered that these vietamese gangs grow the weed in large scale and spray the harvest with road marking paint or fyberglass
many health issues have been seen chest pains etc#
just want to let everybody know so be aware and careful:fire:
Pull some shit like that here in the states and see what happens...we have gangs over here to but they like to grow hydro and would never mess with the product quit buying from them and they'll go some where else to sell that shit like affganistan :)
Pull some shit like that here in the states and see what happens...we have gangs over here to but they like to grow hydro and would never mess with the product quit buying from them and they'll go some where else to sell that shit like affganistan :)

thats rite!!!
road paint?? wow, wdf?? i mean, ive heard of formaldehyde, n dust n shit like that, but fuckin road paint??? wow man.