Continuous ph/ppm monitors!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, today im in the market for a continuous ph/ppm monitor, i know back in the day titan controls was kind of the only option, now days theres tons of them out there, I've been looking alot at the bluelab 27100, it seems like a good option has a ton of good reviews but i noticed at least 3 people say its garbage and to look at hanna meters instead, so i did- only to see a bunch of reviews on it that its garbage and to get bluelab instead.. obviously theres always user error that gets blamed on a product, but id still rather not spend 200$+ on one of these things just to find out for myself, so i come to you- my beloved community of fellow hobbyists, which meters have you used? which would you recommend? which would you avoid? Please keep in mind im looking for a CONTINUOUS monitor, the probes must be able to stay submerged in the solution, I would of course be cleaning and calibrating at least once a month but if you know of a brand that doesnt need constant cleaning and calibration id love to hear about it, in one of the reviews i had read someone said the hanna brand probes come with some kind of gel coating that makes them last longer and not need calibration as much but again id rather hear from you guys, im a suspicious type that while i rely heavily on reviews to gauge a products quality i feel like alot of the reviews on sites like amazon are put there by the company/seller themselves. Thanks in advance for any and all input! Happy growing!
So if no one else has anything to add to this discussion then i guess im gonna go ahead and order a bluelab gaurdian monitor..
Hey guys, today im in the market for a continuous ph/ppm monitor, i know back in the day titan controls was kind of the only option, now days theres tons of them out there, I've been looking alot at the bluelab 27100, it seems like a good option has a ton of good reviews but i noticed at least 3 people say its garbage and to look at hanna meters instead, so i did- only to see a bunch of reviews on it that its garbage and to get bluelab instead.. obviously theres always user error that gets blamed on a product, but id still rather not spend 200$+ on one of these things just to find out for myself, so i come to you- my beloved community of fellow hobbyists, which meters have you used? which would you recommend? which would you avoid? Please keep in mind im looking for a CONTINUOUS monitor, the probes must be able to stay submerged in the solution, I would of course be cleaning and calibrating at least once a month but if you know of a brand that doesnt need constant cleaning and calibration id love to hear about it, in one of the reviews i had read someone said the hanna brand probes come with some kind of gel coating that makes them last longer and not need calibration as much but again id rather hear from you guys, im a suspicious type that while i rely heavily on reviews to gauge a products quality i feel like alot of the reviews on sites like amazon are put there by the company/seller themselves. Thanks in advance for any and all input! Happy growing!

and their similar EC Monitor ADWA ECO 406

Been using them for years, still using them
the ph probe is a monster, hard to kill. Cheap to replace if needed at least in my country.
Had left it months dry, and was still working fine after a proper cleaning with dish soap.

PS. They dont count temperature :(

Had Bluelab guardian, LCD screen digits, broke down in less than 2 years
Ph probe and EC probe worked fine , till could not read from the LCD anymore
Back in the day I used the old nutradip trimeters. PPM, pH and Temp. They were pretty cheap but they would last for years. The pH probes lasted a couple years and were cheap to replace. I would calibrate them once a run and they would rarely be off.
I got a good deal on a used guardian, had to buy a new ph probe but i would've done that anyway even if it had one with it. probe has already arrived, monitor should be here tomorrow, and calibration fluids say theyre arriving the 24th but does the mail even run on xmas eve? lol either way next week ill have it all setup, cant wait!
I have the Bluelab Guardian Connect and I have zero complaints about the unit itself or the probes. It reminds you to calibrate, which is a good thing for me since I tend to forget when the last time I did it was.

The only issue I have is with the "connect" part of it. Their software sucks, and so does the remote connection. I'm in a log home and even though I'm 30 feet away from the unit I need an extender and even then it doesn't always connect to the unit. Then there are times where it just randomly stops logging the data to disk and I have to restart the software to get it to kick off again. Again not a problem with the measurements themselves, just the extra features.
FWIW I own two bluelab combo meters. Bought them used. Same sensing probes as the guardian. I keep one in solution and one on the bench to test against.
The PPM probe works great, never have had an issue with the PPM probe.
PH probe on the other hand, is a bit more finicky. Maybe cause I am running bennies. Shit tends to build up around the ref. junction. Running sterile might not have that issue.
What your guys cleaning process?
PH probe....depending on how much shit it has on it, I will at minimum dab it with a q tip and dawn/water.
PPM probe.....get something from the store called "soft scrub". Make sure it is not any of the scented varieties...lemon ect. Scrub the ppm probe face with it and rinse well.
I have a Hanna trimeter that I have been using for 7 years now and have only had to replace the PH probe once. I dial the PH in once a month with the 4 and 7 solution and it is usually only 0.1/0.2 points off. The PPM only drifts when I have forgotten to rinse the probe in clean RO water or at least run in under tap water.

the probes sit in the rez 24/7.

They stopped selling the Hanna locally so when I needed to replace the PH probe I bought a Bluelabs one and it plugged in and worked fine.