Continuous yellowing from the bottom. Please help!


GHE advises EC about 1.5 to 2.2 during growth and flowering. Also i just realised that i didn't shake the bottles of nutes. It's the 5l ones maybe it's causing the problem.

Maybe i should raise the EC higher than 0.8. Unless you really need to reduce it with aeroponic due to the constant contact with the roots?


Active Member
Idk but since '95 I survived with gh 3 part just fine. 3 cycles ago spotted "calmag" deficiency with spots of p.m. Clones won't root slow growth blah blah. After a gift of clones. It's all on this forum look around the sight all I see are my plants


Active Member
Powdery mildew Idk what it is exactly but 3 unrelated pals have given me clones all with similar problems in the last few weeks.


Is it visible on the plants? did you post pics of yours i couldn't see in your thread.

I grew the plants from seeds. From the same batch with a mate in two different locations. His were in soil. My previous batch had the same yellowing using pachamama nutes. Then i took all the new clones from one of the first batch he kepts as a mother. The mother has a few leafs yellowing same as mine we changed the soil and it disappeared. My new batch with the ghe nutes is doing the exact same as before.


Active Member
When powder is visible a foothold has been established and suppression is your defense, eradication laughable. No definate type but you got funk. Here's a pic,post nuclear assaults and taking what I could.IMAG0085.jpgIMAG0085.jpg


I didn't see any white mold on them. Is it normal that i don't see the EC dropping after a few days even at 0.8 EC?

The yellowing is still going on. I increase the EC to 1.1 then 1.3 today.


Active Member
Take "lids" off look for dark ring on trunk. Plants are not eating,is your 1-1-2 adding up to 20ml? I had a tsp equal 2.5mil took a minute to fig. out but didn't cause this. Flush go .5-.5-1 w/calmag Epsom and work up I never used meters just ph and my eyes I'd go ?-2-?=5-6 on full feed depending on looks adding water when growth slowed then feed,3-5 flushes max since '95. Goin organic for summer I think the sterility salts create allow pathogens rapid evolution.


I redid the res yesterday and i put exactly 30ml-60ml-90ml in 50L of water. And 30ml of mag.

The yellowing keep going. Isn't there a way to tell what kind of deficiency it is?

Could it be that i'm watering too much or not enough? It's around 29 to 30C degrees in the room and the humidity is higher during the night than the day. It's around 60% during the day and 90% at night.

Can that be a problem?



Here are some more pics from today. Any help will be much appreciated. It seems like a cal/mag deficiency with the browning/yellowing edge of old leaves and little rusty color spots on the leaves.


New Member
I really don't know what to do. The yellowing keeps going. My ph has always been in check.

I'm having some kind of deficiency and i have no clue.
PPM/ec meter and a Ph meter and a grow bible. When I ran a dwc system my ppm was way down there, 600ppm was my max for a feeding schedule. If your still having problems change and clean the res, 1/4-1/2 strength nutes and keep the ph in check, you should see them recover. Forget about the lower shit its all popcorn. Patience in a week if you see no recovery...don't waste anymore time and start over. IMO


How much the EC should drop every day or so in a healthy system? Is it that noticeable?

Running the EC much lower at 0.8 kind of made it worst. Could it be calmag deficiency from using RO water?

Thank you for your help.


It's the second time i start over and have the exact same problem on this strain. I tried many things but i can't figure out what is wrong.


It seems to be getting worst and spreading to the latest fan leaves. The leaves on the branches are fine. Even at the bottom.

Even if i start over i don't even know what to do differently.

I've been told to feed them less, then to feed them more. i have no idea what to do next.


Anybody? The plants are still growing well. I changed the watering to 15min ON 15min OFF. I think the roots might have gotten a little too dry between watering.


I'm listening and i appreciate your help. I cut the nutes down during a week and the yellowing kept going. Then people told me that there was not enough nutes on here... Thank you for the link. The thing is that it's hard to know what to do when you get advices in opposite directions.


Active Member
You need to get an education on broad mites and use a 100x scope to check for them. They are much smaller than spider mites and a powerful scope is needed. They inject a toxin while feeding....that can cause bronzing,leaf curl,stunted growth etc. Always rule out pests before looking at nutes. Check for Root Aphids as well. Peace.