Contrition/Derail thread

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You know, you don't have to reply to anyone, right?


There it is, folks ... the secret of the Universe, T&T style.
Plus rep!
That was both kind and thoughtful of you to share your current project with us for entertainment during this quiet holiday season. He should be ready for recycling come the New Year as he's run out of original material.
Oh really.

I take a nap and you losers have nothing to say other than how I have no material, then you don't post and prove the sterling quality of your own?
This is JUST like Politics.
Same sad losers, same Saul Alinsky tactics.

EDIT: Same participants too, just as different footwear.
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  1. You 2 are so incredibly gay it's amazing. The 2 guys who call people faggot

    Finally together in amazing gayness.

    Warms my heart, and hopefully; their trailers.
I rely on you for trailer heating statistics, Buckold argyle.
Nothing better than the voice of experience asking a question it already knows the answer to.
The side effect of reanimating people to vote is that you can use them for SSI recipients too, eh?
Same sad losers, same Saul Alinsky tactics.

EDIT: Same participants too, just as different footwear.

yep, this is all just an orchestrated conspiracy against you. i alone operate and maintain about two dozen socks just to tell you what a piece of shit you are. you are not really a piece of shit, i am just orchestrating a vast conspiracy, just like the jews do to keep you from getting a bank loan or from watching non-biased news reports about how GMOs make kids gay and fluoride makes us all robots.

the simpler explanation is that you are an idiot and no one likes you. but your cognitive dissonance won't allow the possibility of that, will it?
If being like Buckold is what it takes to be "liked", I'll keep my anus intact for now and abstain.
Nobody likes me, but I don't have to be a tool like Buckold? :(

Decision, decisions.........
You don't have to vote to share a safe space Buckold.
Some Bernie supporters did it purposefully and screwed Hitlery as she screwed them.
You don't have to vote to share a safe space Buckold.
Some Bernie supporters did it purposefully and screwed Hitlery as she screwed them.

LOL I know this will be tough for you to get your head around but I am completely apolitical. I had no clue who you were before you showed in TnT.

There is no conspiracy. My decision was made independently, based upon your ridiculously childish behavior.
LOL I know this will be tough for you to get your head around but I am completely apolitical. I had no clue who you were before you showed in TnT.
There is no conspiracy. My decision was made independently, based upon your ridiculous behavior.

Do really I care about your opinion?

You're boring, but don't let my absence keep you from spastic happy dancing 'cause you "pwnd" me.

Others (less textual than I) find it funny too.
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