Contrition/Derail thread

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fuk that shit. It's perfectly clear if you care to understand it. I quoted what was said before I called someone a derogatory name, but I didn't attribute who. I was being a good guy in that instance...

It's funny how most of the shit ppl try to nail me with, I'm actually being a decent guy attacking or fukn with bigots, phobes or racists. That's how the out of context shit can work w y'alls gamification.
I get it loud and clear. I'll work on thinking three times until I get it right, or even not hitting the reply button until the following day.
Shut up already Abe! Have you ever been jizz slapped before?

That's where you jizz in your own hand and then slap the shit outta someone. It hurts and it's pretty embarrassing.

Maybe we should call it the American slap! Because your face is left all red, white, and blue:hump:
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No man, chill, no intimidation required.

I just remember cannabineer whining to sunni and pleading with her to turtle me.* He was really pathetic in that moment, it's no wonder he's no longer a mod.

My real protection is my descretion. But yeah, rolli does want to see how the acid responds as a new forum therapy. Maybe I've said too much already..oops.

You spelled execrable desecration wrong.

Wow, a nightful of you working hard at redefining reality. Protip: "bitch squad" is hors TOS. You are displaying your true colors to anyone who is paying attention. Carry on!

Special thanks to SM for "freezing" one of Honest Abe's "I never said anything like" what he posted ...

*provide quote or be revealed as a liar, again; note SM pwning you above
Good morning
You could think twice before posting then?
Goood morning Viet Nom!
(wanted one in plural, didn't find)
*provide quote or be revealed as a liar, again; note SM pwning you above
I clarified the quote just fine. thanks for correcting my spelling though.
That is true! I misrepresented you there.
not true. not the first time you've enabled your liar friend either. you two carry on with your posturing and bullshit game. c2g reads every single bit, then just fibs about it. she quoted me lastnight
Shut up already Abe! Have you ever been jizz slapped before?

That's where you jizz in you own hand and then slap the shit outta someone. It hurts and it's pretty embarrassing.

Maybe we should call it the American slap! Because your face is left all red, white, and blue:hump:
This is the reply you provide after I call you out on being a troll in the newbie section after you claim you've turned over a new leaf and never troll. You've played that card twice. So you contradicted yourself, man up or attack me like a bitch.
I clarified the quote just fine. thanks for correcting my spelling though.
No attribution, so another lie. (About a lie. Recursion without end) You're welcome for the spelling help.
not true. not the first time you've enabled your liar friend either. you two carry on with your posturing and bullshit game. c2g reads every single bit, then just fibs about it. she quoted me lastnight

I have not once seen her fib. Again you are saying outrageous garbage and pretending that because you said it, it is true. You are doing a brilliant job of exposing yourself; I get to sit back and watch. Carry on.
This is the reply you provide after I call you out on being a troll in the newbie section after you claim you've turned over a new leaf and never troll. You've played that card twice. So you contradicted yourself, man up or attack me like a bitch.
Nah abe you're too much of a cry baby for that. And you don't understand that I was never trolling bryan. I don't like the guy because he is a faker. Trolling is what you've been doing in tnt for a while now.

Just fuckin shit up just to fuck shit up.

pretty lame if you ask me Abe.
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