Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM


Amazing. No WPM since I turned the AirROS up to 25% power, between 0.02 and 0.03 reading.

I let it run for 2 years straight and finally had to do a service. While waiting for my parts I got botrytis in one of my colas, I chopped the plant and had no further problems.

I got my service parts from Sage and haven't had a problem since.

Wish it wasn't so expensive. It's a hard sell. I called and talked to the guy and his super pushy attitude really turned me off the product.
I hear ya on the price, but there's no doubt in the results these machines produce.

I couldn't justify the price for my personal growing, however I had an issue at my secondary house where the a/c didn't run for an entire summer and a roof leak. This resulted in mildew/mold spreading throughout the entire house.

I contacted Sage and explained my issues. I never felt pressured into making a purchase, they just came across passionate about their product. Once the wife gave me the okay, I purchased the unit as well as hepa air scrubbers, hepa vac and everything else thats needed for a mold remediation project.

After running the machine through the entire hvac system for a couple days then moving the unit room to room, I was amazed at my findings. The over powering musty smell was gone and 95% of all visible mold growth was gone (we're talking about a fully furnished house). Of course this only kills the mold and bacteria. Dead molds and spores are still a health hazard which is why all the hepa scrubbers and equipment were used to remove what was killed.

Now it's designated to the grow room and it hasn't disappointed me yet.:eyesmoke:
I own a airoclean420 commerical (4th year)

it’s a good product, pricey but if your bud is critical of not getting budrot and mold it’s def a extra step of defense . i Dial my room vpd and running a room warmer in bloom makes ya have higher rh needs so having this machine when. Rh is higher is also a extra protective action and guratee towards having a clean grow room/plants.

I believe that Cloud Surfer is correct. I just replaced all 3, the parts look custom from Sage. Replacement is easy.

You run your AirROS inside your tent right? Where did you place the controller/sensor at, and how does your venting work with having it inside the tent? Thinking about just ducting the AirROS directly into the tents instead of the Lung Room. Do you still run Carbon Filter or did it really take care of ALL the smell?
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Venting and a carbon filter would negate the benefits of the machine. You would be collecting all the ROS and removing it from the grow area before it could work its magic.
You run your AirROS inside your tent right? Where did you place the controller/sensor at, and how does your venting work with having it inside the tent? Thinking about just ducting the AirROS directly into the tents instead of the Lung Room. Do you still run Carbon Filter or did it really take care of ALL the smell?


I run the airros inside my tent. In my unit the sensor is built in and I've placed the unit as high in the tent as possible since the reactive oxygen species is heavier than air and will sink to the bottom of the tent.

If you have a separate sensor I'd put it at the top of canopy area.

I vent my tent from the bedroom to my living room, which is my lung room. You won't use a carbon filter while venting, it destroys the ROS. The AirROS takes care of smell, I have none.

So new parts things been working like a champ. Sensor everything working nice. Well one of the tents is about 4 weeks into flower really really packing on the frost and this thing is not handling the smell. The room the tent is in you can't smell anything, you stick your head in the tent you can't smell anything. But like outside the door you can smell, and the business attached to us told me this morning that the last couple days there's been smell coming through the walls lmao.

Have it sitting at a perfect 0.030 most the time. I had her come into the room and she said it smelled like a clean sterile medical room. How is it possible the air leaking through the walls and cracks smells but the room and tents themselves don't?

Going to have to hookup an Exhaust for the whole room and attach a Carbon Filter so no air escapes through the cracks and walls and instead gets pulled through the carbon filter to outside. I was using an Intake to mitigate using my Dehu so much and the AirROS has no issues keeping levels with the intake, so probably just swap the intake around and make it an Exhaust with a Carbon Filter, I know Carbon filter will destroy ROS but it would be exhausting outside anyways.

I should mention I have brought 2 people who don't smoke and they said they can't smell anything outside the room, in the room, or even in the tents. So maybe I am just associating this smell with weed smell now and confusing my brain.
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JMT what is the set point and how do we set it?


When you click to change settings there is a bar to move left to right and it comes default at 0.030 and they recently said 0.020 was enough but I think the way my setup is with cleaning the room that houses 4 tents that I had to up the setpoint to 0.040 so the room saturates enough that all the air the tents pull in has ROS. I learned it's not reliable to sit in the room and try to see if the ROS changes because anytime I go in it will be 0.035+ and once I am in there for more than 10 minutes it starts dropping into the 20s and if I start taking some leaves and stuff it will go to 0.000. I did however set it to 100% the other day while doing my Day 21 strip on some Chimera and Permanent marker so they STANK, and the business next door didn't smell anything and normally even with all the carbon filters I was running before they would smell that bad lol. After I lowered it back down to normal.

I still get whiffs of a "plant" smell here and there outside the room, mainly when the room is at it's peak heat. But the room itself is smell proof 100%. The smell that escapes the room is more of a greenhouse/wild mint smell instead of a cannabis smell. I had some non smokers come and tell me what they smelt and it was either nothing/cleaniness or was wild mint lol. I am debating on setting up an exhaust for the entire room that pulls through a carbon filter that way no air can escape through the cracks and instead all leaves through the carbon filter and see if that mitigates that little escape.
So Ona Gel has taken care of that lingering plant smell but it's super strong and I think the Ozone is trying to neutralize the Ona Smell so the sensor is reading lower than it normally does, which I don't think actually matters to much besides the machine over running itself since it's reading low. Because the sensor is only reading o3, it doesn't read the H203 which is what is sterilizing the surfaces.

I think my best bet is instead of trying to fill the Entire room with ROS is to Just get ducting and duct the ROS from the AirRos machine straight into each tent that way I know no matter what the inside of the tents are being sterilized and then let the Ona take care of any lingering smell that leaks out. But I always have Negative pressure in each tent so in my head I feel like it would just instantly suck all the ROS out super fast instead of sink if that makes sense. I run 2 box fans at the bottom by the vents, then I run 4-6 6inch clip fans, and then the Exhaust inline uptop.

Let me know what you guys think. Removing the tents isn't an option or I would just do that.

Hobbes, you run yours inside your tent, do you have an Exhaust creating a Negative pressure up top? And do you keep the flaps on the bottom open bringing in Fresh Air mixing with the ROS?
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I know if the room/area gets too saturated with higher than recommended levels that it can start to damage things. I have no clue what that threshold is though.

I just remember one of their techs telling me how he ruined a bunch of tennis rackets and items with rubber/seals. Said he was running his machine at full blast (covid had just started) and didn't realize/know any better until it was too late.
Hobbes, you run yours inside your tent, do you have an Exhaust creating a Negative pressure up top? And do you keep the flaps on the bottom open bringing in Fresh Air mixing with the ROS?


Yes, set up near the top of the tent.

I have an exhaust fan exchanging the air in the tent, its at the top of the tent as well. I use ducts to ship the air to my lung room.

I have one flap at the bottom of the tent that I have a filter on, its the only entrance to the tent when zipped up.


Yes, set up near the top of the tent.

I have an exhaust fan exchanging the air in the tent, its at the top of the tent as well. I use ducts to ship the air to my lung room.

I have one flap at the bottom of the tent that I have a filter on, its the only entrance to the tent when zipped up.

Okay sweet, I guess that was my worry. Was if I vented the ROS into each tent would it just get sucked out right away or would it actually fall throughout the canopy. But I run the Exhaust same way so I should be fine because I saw it's clearly eliminated your PM issues from a few years back.

I'm just confused now because if ROS falls even in the tent with that much Air Exchange then there's no way the ROS has been getting sucked in through the vents and getting to the top of the canopy in my setup right? Even with proper room saturation? AirROS said the way I was doing it should be fine, but if that were the case then in your setup you'd never have ROS getting to the bottom of the canopy because it would just suck right out.

But clearly it works for you so I'm just gonna follow how you been doing it and just route 4" ducting with the ROS into each tent. My tents all have negative pressure so should have no issues with ROS reaching, their Manual said you can use 50ft of Tubing before any issues and I will only be running about 35ft and the tents will be forcing a harder pull. Then I can just use the Sensor to tune in the Power Factor if I wanted but honestly was just going to set it to 50% and have the sensor as a backup so not to much ROS builds in the room. It took 75-85% PF to get the whole room to 0.030 so figured if I ran 50% straight into the tents it would be plenty.

UPDATE: Called Sage and yeah the ROS basically moves around like a fogger. So if the room is saturated the tent would be. But I setup the ROS into ducting straight to each tent and at half the Power Factor all tents are holding 0.030. Will update on smell.

UPDATE2: Smell was still leaking out the room. However the tents can easily get to 0.030. So fuck it I slapped a carbon filter on the tent that is week 5 of flower and that has gotten rid of the smells. Tents still getting ROS since they're ducted straight from the AirROS machine and Carbon Filter removing the last bit of smell and since the ROS is already in the tent I don't care that the Carbon Filter removes it. I been riding this tent with a solid VPD keeping rh around 65% and no signs of mold or budrot yet.
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